Happy Thanksgiving everyone. It's been kind of uneventful today. This morning it started snowing shortly after we woke up. I was hoping we would get enough snow to go sledding. No suck luck.
No knitting updates though :-)
We ate about 1ish. It was delish, as always. I don't cook any of the big family meals. That is something my MIL still does and she does a fabulous job of it. We are gearing up for shopping tomorrow, but now the game plan has changed a little bit. Now I'm not sure what the plan is. But rest assured I will probably be up early. I don't mind getting up early. It's how the other people act that bugs me. Last year it really bugged me, but I don't think I will let it get to me this year.
I thought I had a game plan on giftgiving this year. I think that's out the window too. But the plus to that is that instead of working on that stuff I can work on the MS
KAL 4 shawl and the
Seascape stole. Who knows, maybe I will get some spinning in. I haven't spun in ages.
I've seen that a lot of people are writing what they are thankful. I often thing about what I'm thankful for but I've never felt the need to write it down. It's more like a mental list I check everyday. Certainly I am grateful for everything I have and my health and the health of everyone I know. I feel better and more sure about things than I did even a month ago.
I've had this past week off. I've enjoyed it for the most part but I wish I had gotten more knitting time in. But I'm really glad to have got a break from work. Things have been a bit stressful there and lets leave it at that :-).