Last weekend the weather was nice and enough snow was melted/cleared away from the log pile that we were able to get in there and cut up loads off wood over the course of the week.
We've got a routine down for cutting and moving the wood to it's final destination. Last fall/early winter we had it that my hubby would cut some wood after work. Then the next day over lunch I would split it. Then he or we would stack it. Usually he stacked it because I am just not good at stacking. I'm hella good at splitting, though.
This is what the area looked like the weekend of March 8-9, 2025.
Sunny but still just enough snow to make you go "blech."
It was amazing to see the sun, though.
The holtzhausen that was abandoned when the snow got too deep for working. We threw a tarp on it, temporarily, so the snow didn't soak everything. The tarp was a bit of a bear to take off. You can't see the ice from the melted snow.
We got the tarp off, eventually, and my hubby got to work cutting.
While we were working on the wood project, the chickens were enjoying the nice weather and running from here to there.
I thought this was a fun photo. She was running to the coop to lay an egg. Yes, I know she looks so much dirtier than she really is. Nothing is as clean-looking as clean snow.
I had visitors at the front stoop again.
"Hey, we heard there was a party."This week I had a few health-related appointments. One was in the new clinic building over in Duluth.
Oh my word. ... If you are familiar with Duluth and the downtown clinic then you understand what I'm saying.
First, I was thrilled that I remembered how to get to the parking ramp without having to drive around the block at least once. Then, I forgot that they knocked down the old building. I got out of the parking ramp elevator and was directed to the new building and one of the helpers walked me to almost where I needed to go.
We went through the skywalk to a different building. The skywalk kind of winds a bit, too. In the different building I had to take an elevator down to the main level. Walk what felt like several blocks to another bank of elevators. Then up to the floor my appointment was on. Leave the elevator, walk what felt like two more blocks to check in. Then walk at least another half block ...
However, the view of Lake Superior from the clinic is amazing.
I was so focused on taking photos of the lake that I didn't catch there was an almost empty parking lot below us. Come summer that parking lot will be packed full.
I couldn't tell you which floor I was on because Duluth is built on a hillside so on one side of the building might be the first floor, but on the other side the first level might be the third floor.
When I left I took the one elevator down, crossing my fingers I chose the right floor. I did. Instead of taking the way back that I took when I first arrived, I looked for doors to the outside (which took a few minutes) and walked across the street and prayed I remembered which floor of the parking ramp my vehicle was on.
The rest of the week was quiet-ish, and the temperatures steadily increased. That part was lovely. The ice and melted snow was not so lovely. I quickly tired of almost slipping and falling or walking through the water.
Finally, the frost went out and most of the snow is gone.
What a difference a week makes.
This is what's left of the wood pile.
Part of the front yard. I can't wait til the green grass starts popping.
The holtzhausen is all done. My husband put the finishing touches on it this morning.
We have the spot for the last holtzhausen picked out. A few loads of wood ready to be split.
Look at how little snow is left around the she shed.
On Friday after work I had some gardening fun. I hauled out the tomato starts out to the greenhouse and up-blocked them.
Earlier this week my friend Becky asked if anyone was knitting anymore.
Speaking of knitting, and crafting, I'll have a video out later this week.