Sunday, March 16, 2025

Spring is trying, winter is losing it's grip

 Last weekend the weather was nice and enough snow was melted/cleared away from the log pile that we were able to get in there and cut up loads off wood over the course of the week. 

We've got a routine down for cutting and moving the wood to it's final destination. Last fall/early winter we had it that my hubby would cut some wood after work. Then the next day over lunch I would split it.  Then he or we would stack it. Usually he stacked it because I am just not good at stacking.  I'm hella good at splitting, though. 

This is what the area looked like the weekend of March 8-9, 2025. 

Sunny but still just enough snow to make you go "blech."

It was amazing to see the sun, though. 

The holtzhausen that was abandoned when the snow got too deep for working.  We threw a tarp on it, temporarily, so the snow didn't soak everything. The tarp was a bit of a bear to take off.  You can't see the ice from the melted snow. 

We got the tarp off, eventually, and my hubby got to work cutting.

While we were working on the wood project, the chickens were enjoying the nice weather and running from here to there. 

I thought this was a fun photo.  She was running to the coop to lay an egg.  Yes, I know she looks so much dirtier than she really is. Nothing is as clean-looking as clean snow. 

The rooster and one of his favorites enjoying the sun on *my* stoop. 

I had visitors at the front stoop again. 

"Hey, we heard there was a party." 

This week I had a few health-related appointments.  One was in the new clinic building over in Duluth.

Oh my word. ... If you are familiar with Duluth and the downtown clinic then you understand what I'm saying. 

First, I was thrilled that I remembered how to get to the parking ramp without having to drive around the block at least once. Then, I forgot that they knocked down the old building.  I got out of the parking ramp elevator and was directed to the new building and one of the helpers walked me to almost where I needed to go. 

We went through the skywalk to a different building. The skywalk kind of winds a bit, too.  In the different building I had to take an elevator down to the main level.  Walk what felt like several blocks to another bank of elevators. Then up to the floor my appointment was on.  Leave the elevator, walk what felt like two more blocks to check in.  Then walk at least another half block ... 

However, the view of Lake Superior from the clinic is amazing. 

The famous lift bridge can be seen on the right side of the photo. 

I was so focused on taking photos of the lake that I didn't catch there was an almost empty parking lot below us.  Come summer that parking lot will be packed full. 

I couldn't tell you which floor I was on because Duluth is built on a hillside so on one side of the building might be the first floor, but on the other side the first level might be the third floor. 

When I left I took the one elevator down, crossing my fingers I chose the right floor. I did. Instead of taking the way back that I took when I first arrived, I looked for doors to the outside (which took a few minutes) and walked across the street and prayed I remembered which floor of the parking ramp my vehicle was on. 

The rest of the week was quiet-ish, and the temperatures steadily increased.  That part was lovely.   The ice and melted snow was not so lovely. I quickly tired of almost slipping and falling or walking through the water. 

Finally, the frost went out and most of the snow is gone. 

What a difference a week makes. 

This is what's left of the wood pile. 

Part of the front yard. I can't wait til the green grass starts popping. 

The holtzhausen is all done. My husband put the finishing touches on it this morning. 

We have the spot for the last holtzhausen picked out.  A few loads of wood ready to be split. 

Look at how little snow is left around the she shed. 

On Friday after work I had some gardening fun. I hauled out the tomato starts out to the greenhouse and up-blocked them. 

Earlier this week my friend Becky asked if anyone was knitting anymore.  

Uh, yeah!!

I usually have something on the needles, or crochet hooks, but I don't post project updates quite as much as I used to. I started this second vanilla sock on Thursday.  This photo is from Saturday morning.  I was getting a few rows in before starting the day. 

Speaking of knitting, and crafting, I'll have a video out later this week. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

When false springs shows up and then Mother Nature changes her mind

 This post is a bit in the making so it may be a bit longer and full of nonsense. 

Just kidding. ... sort of. 

A few weeks ago we had subzero temperatures and I was sticking close to the wood stove. 

Then the sun came out, the temperature rose and the snow started melting. 


You know who else enjoyed the nice weather? 

The ladies and roo have been demanding to go out as soon as they hear me step outside. They were  cooped up way too long, without feeling the sun on their feathers.  The colder weather included grey skies and no sun.  I figured there was no point in letting them out and suffer in the snow that was probably too deep for them. 

But now, as you can see, the snow was melting away. 

I took advantage of the first nice day and went out and cleaned out the coop. 

I had photos of the process, but really, who wants to see me dumping chicken bedding in to the compost pile?

There are photos of the fresh shavings in the coop and the chickens not knowing what to make of it.  Where did the frozen poop go? 

"This can't be *our* coop.  It's too clean! 

I thought I'd share what the outside looks like with the solar lights that I *originally* bought for my greenhouse. They need it more, so they can venture out in the late evening and have one last sip of water. Not too shabby for solar lights I ordered off Amazon. No idea if I'll ever get them back. If I decide to let the birds keep the lights I'll do something more pretty with them than just lump them over where the water dish is. 

While I'm talking about the evenings and those little darlings ... 

This is what I see now when i go out to close up the coop for the evening. 

At least two girls sitting out on the chute. Every single time.

They jump up there and when I go out I carry them to the run and set them down.  They go in for a drink and then venture into the coop for the night. 

And while the paths melted and weren't as icy, the birds made to make the pilgrimage to the front door again.  I told them they were too late for a flosstube cameo.  They seemed disappointed. 

While the weather was nice and the snow was disappearing the deer started hanging out in the front yard in the late afternoons. 

There's this one deer that I remember from last year.  How it is still going and surviving, I don't know, but it is. 

Can you see that bad leg? 

I see it hobbling and hopping along. It looks so painful. My guess is that it is a doe.  No way would it survive a tussle with another buck, I think. 

What else ... 

This past weekend my hubby and I took advantage of the nicer weather and got back to the wood splitting project. 

I split wood for about an hour, maybe.  I was worried I was going to be a bit too cold or that I would tired out quickly.  Not the case.  Then we switched and my hubby started splitting wood and I started tossing wood into the round stack. I tired out pretty quickly. It all goes back to what I've got going on with my body/health right now. Thankfully my son stepped in and helped finished the project. 

I recently recorded a flosstube podcast.  It had been a while since I last recorded and published one. If you are interested, here it is: 

Full show notes are here.

This was just a bit of the mess after recording. If you know, you know. When recording you inevitably make a mess. 

I did listen to an audio book over the course of the last couple of months. 

"I Cheerfully Refuse" is written by a local-ish author. A fellow flosstuber mentioned reading it. I was all about reading a book that had Lake Superior in the background. 

Yesterday while I was in town the fun weather started.  Rain. Ish. 

Then late afternoon the rain switched to snow.  The snow went all night and this morning I woke up to Narnia. 

It snowed throughout most of the day. It finally stopped around ... 5 p.m. 

The sun came out and this is what everything looked like. 

In other news, I started a new project yesterday. 

Also, I'm feeling a bit perky right now, which explains the burst of writing. I'm hoping it continues for at least a while. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

First garden vlog for garden season 2025

First garden vlog for the Garden 2025 season. A snapshot of what the garden looks like and what my seedlings look like, so far. I started several seeds back on Feb. 22, 2025 and so many have sprouted!

This year we will be focusing on growing tomatoes and peppers. The garden will contain other veggies, too, but our goal is to put up a lot of sauce and pepper products. 

Forgot to mention in the video that a lot of my seeds are from previous years and the tomatoes are showing great germination rates. It's still too early for the pepper seeds. They take longer to germinate. 

Seeds started so far are: --Peppers-- Jalepenos - 10 storebought / 10 collected from last year Carolina Reaper - 10 seeds Sandia - 10 seeds Hatch Green - 10 seeds Dynamite - 10 seeds Celery - 20 seeds Coleus - 25 - seeds
Thai - 20 seeds Habanero - 10 seeds Big Jim - 10 seeds Trinidad - 5 seeds Shishito - 5 seeds Sweet Banana - 5 seeds Bell Pepper - 5 seeds Oregano - 5 seeds Thyme - 5 seeds Sage - 5 seeds Rosemary - 5 seeds Chamomile - 5 seeds Lemon Balm - 5 seeds Lavender - 5 seeds --Tomato-- San Marzo - 13 seeds Tiny Time - 7 seeds - Roma - 40 seeds Sandwich Slicer - 20 seeds Cloudy Day - 20 seeds Roma VF - 20 seeds Plum Regal F1 - 20 seeds - We ordered these seeds after viewing a Minnesota gardener talk about what seeds she was starting this year. Super Sauce Hybrid - 20 seeds Early treat - 20 seeds Delicious Tomato - 20 seeds

Monday, March 3, 2025

Flosstube podcast Episode 26 – Some finishes, works in progress, new start

Thanks for stopping by!

Show notes are below

Finished projects (FOs)

Project Name: White Christmas 2022 ornaments - Snowman ornament
Started: Dec. 2, 2023
Finished: Jan. 2, 2025
Designer/Source: Primrose Cottage stitches
Fabric: 14 count aida opalescent
DMC floss in called for colors
B5200, 310, 321, 435, 562, 722, 728, 761, 818, 898, 954, 3841
Needle Size: 26
Made For: Myself. 

Previous update


Project Name: Blue stripe vanilla socks
Started: Oct. 31, 2024
Finished: Jan. 8, 2025
Designer/Source: Vanilla sock pattern I use.
Yarn: Patons Kroy sock yarn
Colorway: Blue Raspberry
Colors: Blues and white
Needle size: U.S. 1, 2.5 mm

Previous update


Project Name: Furby Jr.'s Boyfriend
Started: Jan. 3, 2025
Finished: Jan. 13, 2025
Designer/Source: Emotional Support Chicken 
Yarn: Red Heart "Favorite Stripe
Colors: Rainbow colors
Needle size: U.S. 5 (3.75 mm) 


Project Name: Annabelle Shawl
Started: Jan. 19, 2025
Finished: Feb. 13, 2025
Designer/Source: Bag-O-Day Crochet
Yarn: Lionbrand Mandala Yarn
Colorway: Happy
Colors: Pinks, reds, green, orange and blue
Crochet size: H/5.0 mm 

Works in Progress (WIPs)

Project Name: Spring Vanilla Socks
Started: Feb. 14, 2025
Pattern: My own vanilla pattern
Yarn: Knit Picks 
Colorway: Spring blooms
Colors: Pinks, green, blue
Crochet size: U.S. 1 / 2.50 mm


Project Name: Hope Song
Started: Jan. 3, 2025
Designer/Source: Heart String Samplery - Purchased through Homespun Needlework FB group.
Fabric: 16 count Zweigert, "Taupe"
Floss in called for colors: DMC 414, 433, 640, 647, 842, 938, 3027; Weeks Dye Works 2219 (Whiskey), 1233 (Cocoa); Classic Colorworks: Tennessee Red Clay, English Ivy, Egg Shell, Blackbird, Cherry Cobbler
Needle Size: 26
Made For: Myself. 


Project name: Crested Porcupine

Stitch count (via pattern keeper) 1,457 / 64,152 (2.27%)

Started: June 27, 2024


Designer/Source: Purple Stitching on Etsy.

DMC: 167, 168, 169, 310, 317, 318, 413, 414, 415, 433, 437, 451, 452, 453, 524, 535, 611, 612, 640, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 762, 779, 840, 841, 842, 844, 927, 928, 934, 935, 939, 3021, 3023, 3031, 3032, 3041, 3072, 3371, 3756, 3787, 3799, 3828, 3863, 3864, 3866

Fabric: Half yard of 14 count Aida purchased from Forbidden Fiber Co. 

Needle Size: 26

Stitching for myself.  I know it is going to take years. Story about Porkie is here. The follow up post is here. The story is towards the end of the post. Scroll down. 

Previous update


Project name: Mother's Garden

Started: Jan. 1, 2025


Designer/Source: Blackbird Designs; given to me as a gift from my SIL. 

DMC Conversion: 3859, 3828/613, 420, 3858/3772, 610, 3799, 3011, 640, 840/839, 535

Fabric: 32 count Belfast Linen purchased from Hobby Lobby, white fabric

Needle Size: 28


Project name: One Stitch at a Time

Started: Jan. 10, 2025


Designer/Source: La-D-Da Stitches, purchased at

DMC conversion: 501, 3799, 315, 3826, 169, 05, 832, 3787, 3859, 640

Fabric: 28 Charles Craft DMC "Tea Dyed"

Needle Size: 26

I'm participating in a stitch-along in the Across the Pond - Stitch and Chat group on the book of faces. 

New starts/plans/dreams

New Starts

Bedelia Bunny – The Artsy Housewife

Preemie Octupus or porcupine crochet plush 

Other flosstubers mentioned

The easiest ways you can support my channel: 
*Give this video a thumbs up 
*Share with a friend 

Thank you so much for being here. Happy crafting!

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Gardening season 2025 has begun (and a few other things)

 I've been keeping an eye on gardening social media accounts, watching gardening youtube channels and reading posts and comments in the gardening Facebook groups I'm in, and paying particular attention to the ones local to my state. 

Finally, I planted seeds into soil today.  

Only a week later than what I was originally planning. 

I'm in zone 4a/former zone3b in northern Wisconsin.  I've been looking forward to this moment almost since I put the garden to bed this past fall.  

I was thinking about starting a few things in January and decided to hold off until February. The plan was to start seeds on Valentine's Day. I remember hearing *someone* (I can't remember who) saying they started their tomatoes around Valentine's Day.  Four or five years ago I decided to start seeds way sooner than I usually did and it was such a successful year that I knew this was the way to go.

I set things up and pulled my seed stash out. 

Peppers and tomatos, with a side of celery, herbs, and some flowering annuals is what I planted this round.

Last year I learned a neat trick involving a toothpick for planting those tiny little seeds. 

You wet the tip of the tooth pick and touch the seeds, one at a time, and plant them. 

It worked real slick for the tomato seeds, too.  No worries about accidentally dropping two seeds on to one block. 

Just a little "in progress" shot. I was listening to The Rusted Garden, Gardening in Canada and one other channel, I think. I know at one point my youtube auto played over to Roots and Refuge. 

It felt good to be seed starting.  Especially when the sun was out and shining for a little while. 

Halfway through I said to my hubby since it was sunny out and the temperature was up I could have been out in the greenhouse doing this.  He agreed.  Oh that would have been all the garden feels.  Maybe too much! Ha! I'm *so* looking forward to utilizing the greenhouse this spring. 

Photo from June 2024

My soon-to-be little seedlings are now in the seed starting station, along with some of the houseplants keeping them company. 

It may not look like much; I planted 400 seeds today. Crazy, right?  I do need to write notes and a list of the seeds I planted today.  When the seedlings are big enough I will transplant them up in to bigger soil blocks. I'd be shocked if all those seeds sprouted. li

The other *big project* I did today was chopping up peppers for the dehydrator.  One of the best things I've learned in the last few years is dehydrating peppers and grinding them up into a boutique pepper blend. 

For the most part things have been quiet around the homestead. Earlier this week we decided we needed a second yard wagon. 

I had a moment. Why? Because the last time I put one of these together, my girl Furby was with me, supervising. 

I know ... you are probably like "Why?" She'll be gone for almost two years and I still miss her.

Soooooo ... Furby Junior and her boy toy supervised and were no help at all. 

Yes, those are fairy lights draped over them. 

About an hour later I got the wagon all put together, with some help from my guy.  

My area has been dealing with subzero temps.  I don't mean to complain, but I am going to.  Just a bit.  It's been freaking cold out there! Also, not much in the way of sun. 

The ladies haven't been out of the coop much over the last several weeks.  When I have thought to open the door to see if they'd go out and deal with the snow, they opted to stay inside.  Smart ladies!

Yesterday they were out and trying to make sense of the paths we've made in the snow.  A couple decided they needed to hang out on the back deck, all fluffed up. 

I know, not the best photo.  There wasn't a good angle for taking a photo. 

Today I got some happy mail from a fellow flosstuber. Patty Penn at Stitching with my kitties sent me a few goodies. Scissor fobs/zipper pulls and a needle threader she made. 

All so cute and I got them on bags and scissors already. 

They are all so cute!

Speaking of flosstube. ... I know ... I haven't recorded since January.  I meant to.  ... 

I've got some health crap going on again. I don't really want to talk much about it.  Though those who are in the inner circle know what's going on. I don't want to look back on blog posts and read about it. If you'll remember, last year I got sick and was dealing with stuff. I haven't been feeling 100 percent and it's basically the same symptoms as last year.  I'm now at a certain age where certain physical things are happening and my body is rebelling like a teenager. If you are a female of about my age than maybe you know what I'm talking about. I don't know what's causing it and I'm doing what I can to get it figured out. So for the foreseeable future if I go quiet for a while it's likely because I'm not feeling all that great. And that is about all I'm going to say about that. 

I am starting to perk up a bit, and getting past January has helped. Officially starting garden seeds did wonders for my mood today, too.