Monday, April 22, 2019

My quietest year ever

Ya'all, this may be my quietest year on the blog. I think.

Isn't there a saying about the older you get, the busier you are, the faster time goes?

Well, that's how I've been feeling.  Like, life is going so fast, and I don't realize how quick it is until I look at the calendar and go "Whoa! When did that happen?" (In fact, I started writing this blog post on March 31.)

So, to kind of bring things up to speed, let me prattle at you a bit.

Shadow had her babies.  Yay!  They are adorable.  They are now off to their new homes. Five little hairless beans have grew so fast into adorable little baby bunnies.  

Chicks have been hatching out. The balm for my soul, except one usually starts sciping about 2:30 a.m. and I have to go make sure everyone is fine.  Usually it's because someone just hatched out, or they are just generally unhappy.

We have three more sets in the incubator and then I think we are done hatching out for the season.

We also got a turkey this year. Oh, I forgot how sweet they can be at this age. 

This little one doesn't have a name yet.  Right now I keep calling him "Turkey baby." He's such a little snuggler. He loves sitting on our shoulders and snuggling up into the crook of the neck and falling asleep. 

The big girls have been going out everyday.  They go under the coop and take dust baths, or they brave the ice and water and come up to the deck and poo all over it. Egg production has picked up pretty good, too.

Mother Nature has been pretty manic in my area, still. One day of beautiful weather, followed by snow, followed by a flood warning. Right now it's raining.  It's been raining since last night.  

Other things going on ... 

I still have all my finished objects waiting for when I can finally record a video. Each time I thought I had a day where I could sit down and record a video, something has come up, like an extra person at home, because they aren't feeling well.  Or, the weather has been so wicked and the light is just too horrible. 

In the meantime, I've been wrapping up works in progress and I cast off the last one the other day. A pair of leg warmers. Thanks to Mother Nature, it is not too warm to wear them!

A couple weeks ago I realized I haven't listened or read any books in the last several months. So, no books to blather about.  It also occurred to me that all the books I put on request haven't come in. What's up with that?

I guess that's all the news from Lake Woebegone that is worth writing about.