I subscribe to The Perpetual Page-Turner blog and the most recent post from there was titled "If we were having coffee together." I thought to myself "What a clever idea."
If we were having coffee ... I'd tell you all about how *busy* it has been around the homestead the last few months. We've got little girl hens who are just adorable and a baby boy roo is starting to crow in the morning. Pretty soon we will be able to integrate them into the Chicken Shack of Love. We processed our first two batches of meat birds. It's been a learning process and the end results in a product that is better than our expectations.
If we were having coffee ... I'd tell you all about the fishing we've been doing the last month. We found a lake in our area that has been very kind to us each time we go out.
If we were having coffee ... I'd mention my frustrations about putting a huge chunk of my garden in twice. The first seeds I planted didn't sprout. I think a critter came in and ate them all. I was so disappointed because this was the first year I didn't get stressed putting the garden in. I had even measured out everything so I'd have room for weeding between the rows and such.
If we were having coffee ... I'd tell you all my knitting and fiber-related hobbies have come to a standstill. My "free" time has gone to outdoor stuff and chicken chores. I've made two dishcloths since the end of April.
If we were having coffee ... I'd tell you how much I'm enjoying this summer so far despite having all the *busy* in my life right now. I'm enjoying the warm weather, and the sun and just being out and about. I feel I'm on the go-go-go right now and don't have much time to actually sit down and write. I looked back at my last post and it's from April. I feel like April was just last week.