Well, not really, it just feels like it.
Last week was the final week of day camp for my son. The open house for school was on Thursday. He will have his first school day next Tuesday.
I'm going to miss having him with me on my morning and afternoon commutes. He usually read during the drive and anything he found funny in the books he would read out loud to me.
I've heard the same thing from a lot of people: "The summer is going too fast." It did this year.
The last month and a half has been full of chicken wrangling, processing, drought, then LOTS of rain, humidity and sudden cool weather.
This guy gobbled for the first time last week. It was so unexpected that it didn't compute at first. Then he did it again. He is such a sweetheart and very good with the other chickens. Whenever he hears one give a distressed call he immediately goes running to see how he can help. He runs so gangly, it's comical.
The other day, shortly after I let the big girls out of the coop, they decided to sun themselves a bit. I'll never get tired of seeing how goofy they look sprawled out, with a leg jutted out and a wing up in the air.
A little bit of crafting has been done. Nothing much worth sharing. I've been practicing shuttle tatting. I'm not very good at it. The piece I was working on got tossed into the garbage after I made a huge error. I've been knitting a pair of vanilla socks with afterthought heels. Not very exciting.
At the beginning of August I finally admitted defeat when I developed runners knee. Yes, you read that right. I had been running all summer up until August. I did something different at the beginning of the month (still no idea what I did) and as a result I can't run until it heals up. Which is a bummer because I finally worked up the nerve to sign up for a 5K with my son. My son will still run it and I will walk it. He is really excited to run his first 5k. The 5K is set for mid-September.
To keep me going all winter my DH got me a new elliptical machine. It kicks my butt on a daily basis right now. I rested for about a week before using it. I've gradually built my time up and now I'm going 30 minutes on it, each day. Books help me a lot when I'm on the machine. I don't stare at the timer. My brain doesn't wander and fret about how tired I feel or focus on how much time I have left. I do prop the iPad up and watch the occasional show but usually I have a kindle book going.
There has been no bit announcement at work about someone being appointed to our diocese. It will be a year come November. My coworkers and I figure there will be no appointments until October at the earliest. Now that I think about it, I'm not sure I even wrote that our bishop was appointed to a different diocese. He was. We've been whooping it up since then. No, not really. We've been staying the course and keeping things running smoothly. It only feels like we've been whooping it up because there seems to have been an awful lot of luncheons and office get-togethers in the last year.
I'm making a mental list of all the stuff I want to get started, get done, or what I'd like to do this coming month. Not sure if I'll get it all done, but it is nice to have goals.