In the car I listened to "The Trumpet of the Swan,"
and "The Outsiders" with my son.
Both books were enjoyed. I think "The Outsiders" resonated with my son. He LOVED "The Trumpet of the Swan." The Trumpet was narrated by the author and he did a lovely job. I thought it was perfect, really.
Both stories are classics and I'm glad I chose these stories to listen to with him. I'm trying to get him to read "Fablehaven" right now. It's not working. I've got "Fablehaven" on my kindle but I'm not sure I'll get it finished by the time it expires. Last night I put a request in at the library for the audiobook.
Currently on the nightstand are "Crossing to Safety" and "An American Childhood." I haven't made it very far in either book. I do need to get cracking on "An American Childhood" because it's an Inter-library loan and I can't renew it.
Over the summer I read a bunch of short stories and a couple short books.
"Atticus" - It was all right. Beautiful writing. I still haven't decided if I would recommend it. I wrote a review on GoodReads.
"Desiree's Baby" - Deep. Really deep.
"A Rose for Emily" - There was so much going on, theme-wise, that I really struggled with it the first time around. A story set in the south. Since I'm a "northerner" I couldn't really connect.
"The Lottery" - I can't believe I haven't read this one before. Tough. A good reminder that just because we've always done something doesn't make it right.
"We Have Always Lived In The Castle" - Book was sort of intense. Knowing the author's history, I understand why she wrote it. I'm not a fan of sympathetic magic.
"The All Of It" - I didn't like this story. So many things I didn't care for. The fishing story line didn't really add much. I thought it was ridiculous that the priest wanted to hear all these details but at the same time insisting that the woman go to confession. It was like he was titillated by being scandalized. The ending sort of had me going "ummmmm."
"Rip Van Winkle" - First time reading this. One of those stories you hear all about so much that you feel like you've read it.
"Post-Traumatic Church Syndrome" - Recommended by my friend E. Good book. I liked the Urban Monk. I felt like one line said it all: "My only job is to walk my path."
"Summer" - I struggled with this short story. Why? Because I could not stand the main character. She thought she was better than the village girls who got themselves in trouble with the boys. She thought she was special because she "came down from the mountain." Yes, I was a little creeped out by her "step-dad" asking her to marry him. I'm was annoyed that she let herself get in trouble. Like, what did she really expect was going to happen. Actions have consequences. Then, to let the boy off the hook. Yes, I just did a spoiler. This is how annoyed I am by the main character.
I read a bunch of Mattie Winston series books, and "Magical Cat Mysteries." I LOVE both series. Both for different reasons. The Mattie Winston books are flat out funny. The Magical Cat series because, well, because: cats.
I listened to bits and pieces of "The Passage" with my husband. The parts I've listened to had my attention so well that I will have to request the book from the library this fall or winter.
I read "Twelfth Night." I should say I struggled through it.
Speaking of Shakespeare, I listened to "Tales from Shakespeare," by Charles and Mary Lamb. I'm not sure I like what they did to the plays. I will say they made the plays really understandable, but I could tell stuff was missing. The book was geared toward kids, so its understandable.
I haven't decided if I like Shakespeare. So, to add to the punishment, I'll be reading another play soon. ...
I decided to not sign up for the Well-Read Mom club this year. I realized I wasn't using the materials. Also, I wasn't keeping up with the books in a timely fashion. It's that whole putting something on a schedule that cools my interest. Maybe next year. I wrote down the list of books for this year and will read them at my own pace. I think the first thing on the list is a poem. It seems that since I didn't sign up this year, they are doing all kinds of fun things. Oh well. Maybe next year.
Okay ... Yeah ... That's a whole lot of stuff I read. I'm sure I missed something or two, as well.