1. I *finally* got a cartoon series all recorded for my son. There is something about being forced to watch something that makes you completely and utterly tired of it. So glad to have it done. I don't want to watch it for at least two months.
2. I saw the same squirrel from yesterday. He was digging around with the suet cake feeder again. I felt so sorry for him that I cut up some homemade bread and tossed it out to him/her. It was very appreciated. I could tell.
3. Homemade chocolate chip cookies. My son and I made cookies this afternoon. I've started making cookies with less sugar in them. My little man notices the difference. Me: the cookies are still way too sweet.
4. I was a very good girl and hopped on the eliptical today. Now if I could just keep that trend going.
5. We had no frozen pipes. I know quite a few people had to deal with that today. So not a fun thing.
Tomorrow it's back to work for me and back to school for my son. Unless school gets called again. A few districts in the state have called it for tomorrow already but I don't think it's going to happen up here. While it's kind of neat to be seven days into the month and have only worked two days, it does get a little old after a while. Particularly when you can't actually go outside and do anything.
This is a photo I took on Saturday when I was coming back from "the dump," which is really a guy loading a dumpster, in the middle of a state forest. Pretty, yes? I have to be careful around this curve during the winter. It you take it too sharp you will go into a spin -- or, at the very least, slide right into the ditch.
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