Sunday, December 13, 2020

The weekend project

 Last weekend we received a truckload of firewood for us to cut, split and stack. 

A beautiful stack of 13 cords of wood that is 32 feet long, give or take, and 8 feet tall at the highest point. This amount of wood is about three years worth of heat.  We heat in the winter exclusively with wood. 

The lumber, we were told, came from the area south of us that was hit by a tornado a few years ago. Half of it is dry. Some of it is dry enough that we can cut it and bring it into the house. Which we have done already.  It burns great!

My husband figured cutting and splitting this firewood would be a project to last us the winter. 

He may have been incorrect on it lasting as a project for the winter. 

We've put a couple hours in each day.  We are tearing through it so far.  

At the rate we are going, we could have it wrapped up fairly soon. We've got a pretty good system down. No one is waiting on anyone and it's being split almost as fast as a person can grab it.  I think my husband said 12 days at the pace we are going and we'd be all done. it hasn't been stressful or overwhelming at all.

Right now the hardest thing may be finding a place to put our cute little holz housens.

We have the first one started, and are about one-third of the way done. 

I forgot to take updated photos when we called it for the weekend. This is from Saturday when we first started building the first holz housen. 

Yes, that is Furby in the background.  I try to let her have as much time outside as possible. 

Or, as she might tell you, she was keeping an eye on us. To make sure we were doing it right. 

We moved about 8 feet of that stack, so far. What's been really nice is that my son has been getting into the project, too.  He's a little slow at the beginning, but after he's been at it a few minutes, he's going as quick as we are. 

You can see how fallish it still looks outside.  Or, I should say looked.  The promised snow didn't arrive until about 3 p.m. today. A clipper moved through the area and brought us about an inch of snow.  If that. There's a nice snow coating on everything. 

Let's see ... what else happened this weekend. Not a lot.  It was a nice, quiet weekend.  Since the weather was being nice and the temperature was decent, we got going on the wood project. I did a bit of cross stitching and television watching. 

I am sad to share that both baby buns passed away. I was expecting the runty one to not make it. The other one, however, was a bit of a surprise.  Last night I checked on it, and it had a cool body temperature and it passed away at some point during the night. Loki had it all covered up. 

So, out she went.  I opened the hutch, said "Thor, guess who's here?"  He wouldn't come out of the enclosure.  I set Loki down.  She did her little jump kick thing, went to the doorway, took a sniff, and went in.  I immediately heard scuffling.  I chuckled and went back into the house. Thor is a happy bun again.  He loves his Loki very much. 

Shadow and Feffer are doing all right, despite Shadow's daily tossing of the feeder. Feffer loves her, and puts up with it.  I shake my head when I see those two and her acting like a little diva. 

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