Wednesday, February 23, 2022

WIP Wednesday and a quick weather update

The last time I wrote it was a beautiful day and I said we were supposed to get a blizzard.  

Oh yeah, we got a blizzard.  

I woke up to snow on the ground.  Granted, not as much as I thought it would be.  

However, it was snowing steadily and kept snowing for the next two days.  Monday our school district did not close and I felt bad for all of the bus drivers that had to push through the blizzard and crappy roads. Tuesday and today there was no school for most of the districts around us. 

I took a few quick videos the first day. Yesterday I didn't bother because all you could see was snow blowing, and not in a pretty way. 

On Monday my husband made it to town, then came home after a few hours.  The wind coming off the big lake made roads in town treacherous. 

He spent hours and hours the next few days snow blowing, plowing and cleaning snow off the outbuildings. 

Looking at my Facebook memories I saw we tend to get storms at this time of the year.  I do hope this is the last big storm of the season.  

Today was my day to clear snow. Which I did, just about every free moment I had.  

It's been a while since I've moved and labored as much as I did today.  I am a tired girl. 

The sun was shining big and bright today, so it wasn't too awful to be out there. 

I went out there this morning before work.  When I came back in Furby (blind house hen) chewed me out something fierce. She shrewed and caterwauled for at least half an hour.  She doesn't like being left alone, and my son was still sleeping. 

Beautiful sky. Still, though, it's these kinds of skies that make me long for spring. 

It's been a long minute since I did a WIP Wednesday.  Let me show you what I've been doing. 

I've been passenger-ing the last few weeks, and have quite a bit of progress on the sock I've been working on. Also, they are just so cheery! 

Project Name: Vanilla socks
Started: 1/4/22
Yarn: Cascade Heritage Prints
Colors: Looks like tutti fruiti
Required Amount: 
Needle/Hook Size: U.S. 1 (2.5 mm)
Made For: Myself
Dye Lots: Col 45; 160 3224

I've been cranking along on my cardigan the last couple of weeks.  I've worked up to where I have the back stitches on a holder and I'm working on the left side of the front.  Things seems to be zipping along now.  Now I'm just wondering (hoping) that I'll have enough yarn to finish this.  This pattern wasn't quite as easy as I thought it would be, and there are a couple bits in the pattern that I had to suss out for myself, but over all there have been a few elements that I've loved and would try to do in other projects. 

Project Name: Armande Cardigan
Started: 1/4/22
Yarn: Cascade 220 superwash
Colors: Red; No. 809
Required Amount: 6 skeins (1,320 yards) However, I have 5 skeins *fingers crossed* 1100 yards
Needle/Hook Size: U.S. 4 (4.5 mm)
Gauge: didn’t swatch. I’m living dangerously
Made For: Myself
Dye Lots: Lot1511089

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