Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Checking in

Hello, dear readers and friends.

It's been a minute since I last wrote a blog post. 

This afternoon I saw Chris of ChrisXrossStitch post an update video, kind of checking in, and I thought maybe I should do the same over here.  

I'm still here.  Unfortunately so is whatever has been ailing me.  I got sick in February.  Then developed an infection at the start of March, and it's still with me.  I thought I was better, and started to write a blog entry last week.  This past weekend I started feeling poorly again. 

So, while i'm doing better, I'm not 100 percent back to my old self.

My seed starting is no where near what it usually is. 

At this time last year my seedlings were overflowing and I had them in two bookshelf greenhouses. 

Crafting is still going at a much slower pace.  I'm plodding along, taking it easy and resting when I need to. 

I've shared a few projects and works in progress on my social media.  My heart hasn't really been in sharing. 

I did finish my Emotional Support Chicken. 

Isn't she adorable? 

Yes, I do call her Furby June.  Currently she has a prominent spot on the couch.  Sometimes when I'm talking to my hubby I crack comments about Furby approving or not, and then make the chicken noises. Yes, I'm hilarious and I crack myself up.  It doesn't hurt to not take yourself so seriously sometimes. 

Project Name: Emotional Support Chicken
Started: Feb. 13, 2024
Finished: April 12, 2024
Designer/Source: Knitting Tree LA
Yarn: Scrap yarns in my stash and Red Heart
Colors: Brown and Saffrom
Needle Size: US #7, 4.5 mm
Made For: myself. 

I would like to make at least one more. 

I've completed other projects but I'll save those for a different blog post or video. 

Which brings me to Youtube.  I have not been up to making a video.  Hopefully soon, but I make no promises. 

So, this is what is going on with me and why I've been quiet. 


Becky G said...

I hope you get to feeling better soon! I love your Furby June. Mine is still languishing because I can't seem to find the right eyes for her. What did you use for yours?

Amnicon Studio said...

Thanks. I'm trying, but it's tough. Especially when dealing with the current healthcare system. :-/

I got my eyes off of Amazon.


Angelfire212 said...

I hope you feel better soon! Being sick is miserable, especially when it won't go away! It seems like illnesses linger more these days. One could say it's because we're older, but I think the viruses have changed. Even colds and the flu isn't like it used to be. Praying for you my friend!

Amnicon Studio said...

Thank you. Yeah, I think it's a combo of the viruses being different and us being in the older season of life.