We fished in the rain for a while but headed home once the lightening started off in the distance.
I am quite proud to say that I caught three sunfish and one crappie this morning.
When we got back home and dried off my DH cleaned and cooked the fish for breakfast. This Crappie was the biggest one of the bunch. Not bad for my first time fishing in more than 20 years.
A little bit later we went to a different fishing spot and got lucky again. We got a few more before heading back home.
Right off the shore at the second fishing spot it was a bit "weedy." I think that's the right word. At one point I didn't reel the line in fast enough through the weeds and I had to walk out to get the hook untangled. I thought "no worries, that will be a snap," because I was wearing my mudders. Then I realized the water was much deeper. I ended up taking off my mudders and wading into the water to get the hook and bobber back. Lucky for me the water was warm.
I think that my guy did not believe I would actually go in. I surprised us all.
While we were at the second fishing spot my son got a bite from a big fish. Unfortunately, it got away. Boo and hiss! I was really hoping he'd be able to reel in a big one. Then, to add insult to injury, the fish broke his line and he lost his bobber. Being the super mom that I am I went out and got it. I went out even further than the first time and the water was almost up to my waist. ... Then, when I got back to shore, I realized that my iPhone was in my coat pocket. Ahhh! Fortunately it seems to be okay.
After getting the bobber back for my son I threw out my own line again. Surprise! I caught a bass.
I'll admit, it freaked me out. Since we had been getting only sunfish I was caught off guard by this "monster" fish on my line. I managed to reel it almost all the way in before the fish broke my line.
Lucky for me, my knight-in-shining armor was right there and he grabbed it for me. The bass was about five pounds. It was enough to fill both my guys for supper. Yup, they got to enjoy the fruits of my labors. The irony in all this lucky fishing for me is I don't eat fish. However, this was a special occasion. I did partake in this particular feast.
After that we had to run home and meet up with someone that was coming to look at our truck that is for sale. So yes, those are my pajama bottoms. :-)
Once all our business was taken care of we went out once more.
By that time my luck had dried up and the boys were getting sunfish left and right. Then my son caught a bass -- yay! It wasn't big enough to be a keeper. So we snapped a quick photo and sent the little guy on his way. I was told this one was about three-quarters of a pound.
I ended up catching the biggest sunfish of the day. This guy was at least one pound. Most likely I peaked in my fishing career today and will probably not do this good again for years. Or not, we will see.
By the end of the day I was able to bait my own hook and take the fish off the line. Not something I thought I'd be able to do on my first day. I'm not great at the bait thing yet. I reckon I need more practice.
Because we all did great today we all get to be on the blog!
When we were all done for the day my guy cleaned the fish. I am *really* glad that he is good at that. He showed our son how to scale smaller fish and I found a few more worms for tomorrow.
I'd say it was a smashing success for our first fishing day out this way.
In chicken news: Tonite I spotted Buck trying to *tame* Grandma P. Oh boy! Grandma P was having none of that and sounded an alert that Brewster heard. Brewster came running with an "Oh no you DIDN'T" attitude and almost kicked Buck's little booty. Buck tried to get Grandma P a second time and failed. I really thought there was going to be a showdown between Buck and Brewster.
Daily 5 things of the day that made me happy
1. I had no problems waking up at 4 a.m.
2. My son having such a good time fishing today.
3. Our truck sold today. Woo hoo!
4. Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and 70 degrees
5. I made time for knitting today.
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