Sunday, April 5, 2020

Palm Sunday

My days are all blending together.  I may have mentioned that already.  Somewhere. 

It wasn't until I was on Facebook midmorning that I realized it is Palm Sunday today. 

I reckon it was appropriate that I was watching "The Ten Commandments" last night. 

It's a stretch, but I'll take it. 

Today I slept in a little bit.  I had left the blinds open and it was pretty bright this morning. I didn't hear the Robins this morning.  I've heard at least one Robin, off and on, this past week.  

Nothing terribly exciting going on today.  I spent a few hours clearing out areas on the back yard and off to the side of the driveway and solar panels. I forgot to take photos. While I was clearing things out I kept wondering if I'd be able to drag the mower into the one area, so I can keep it kind of tidy.  I'd love to have this one spot open. It would be a new space for the chickens to scratch, and give other areas of the yard a break.  

How do chickens know to go scratch in the areas you don't want them to be? 

Also, I uncovered an old grapevine that managed to hook up onto a tree and manage to go straight up.  I had seen part of it, way back when.  I didn't realize there was a second vine going off in a different direction and hooked onto a smaller tree and started climbing.  It's such a shame it's not live.  I didn't cut it down.  I might, down the road.  For now I think it's a neat thing to see. 

Weather was gorgeous today.  Temperatures may have hit 50 today. 

It finally occurred to me that I have had this mental to-do list of stuff I've wanted to do around the homestead for years. I'm finally doing the tasks and that's where all the "extra" time is going. I had a quick conversation with my husband about this.  Like a good husband, he agreed with my babble.

Photo challenge day 5 - Dim

I have been racking my brain all day about this one. Finally decided a photo of my starts (plants now, really) without the light on will have to count as dim.

We are still on baby bun watch.  

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