Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Welcome April, a fresh start

I felt it was necessary to write today.  Not about anything in particular.  I'm still here. We are still here. Still kicking. 

Weather has been keeping us down, a bit. I am cautiously optimistic that there will be more sunny days now that it's April.  I may be only fooling myself.  April showers bring May flowers and all that good stuff. 

Baby chicks are keeping us cheered, however. We had a fresh batch hatch out a few days ago. 

Look at this sweet little budgie.  It looks so sassy!

I promise a more-in-full update at a later time.  When I have a coffee date post. 

The other day, or maybe last night, one of my Facebook peeps posted something about a photo challenge for April 2020.  I said I would love to, but I worry I would forget a day, or so.  She gave me a couple suggestions.  I thought something else that would help me remember is daily blog posts.  Even if I don't have much else today, I'll have a pretty photo to share.

We shall see. ... 

In the meantime, here is the photo from today. 

Day 1: "Bright"

I went out to the backyard this afternoon, looking at things I could possibly work on this weekend.  Feffer came out from under the coop and bunny-flopped so he could soak up the solar heat of the sun.  The sun was pretty bright, so he's all squinty-eyed.  I think it adds to his cuteness. 

We are on baby bun watch.  We think Shadow is due to give birth any day.


Unknown said...

Hi Marcy - I stumbled upon your blog when searching for a Knit Picks yarn, Felici in Stone Harbor. I also made a pair of sock with this yarn and recently pulled the extra out of my stash to make a pair for a 6 year old friend. I'm half done with sock number 2 and turns our her feet are bigger than I thought and I ran out of yarn! Knit Picks no longer has any of this in stock and I was hoping that perhaps you might have a bit left in your stash????? Please let me know!

Amnicon Studio said...

Hello! I used my leftover yarn to make a few baby hats. Sorry. :-(