Sunday, June 14, 2020

If we were having coffee ... wrapping up the weekend

This type of blog post is for when I have a lot of little things I want to share, or when I feel the need to catch up. 

So, grab your coffee/beverage of your choice and join me. 

If we were having coffee ... I'd say I didn't write yesterday because nothing really happened yesterday. We were home, for the most part, but we ran errands a few times.  Not very exciting stuff. 

I did bake some bread. 

I did a bit of knitting and cross stitching, and that's about it. Well, we did try some fishing.  The wind was blowing good and the fishing wasn't all that great. Again.  I think the fishing season may be short for us this year. 

If we were having coffee ... I'd give you an update about Shadow and her babies.  Unfortunately her babies didn't make it. We are all very bummed about this.  It's a fact of life.  A sucky one, unfortunately. 

So ... out Shadow went.  Back with Feffer.  He was so excited to see me walking back to their "love nest." He was standing on his back legs, with his front paws on the wall.  He practically bounced with excitement when I set her down. They raced around each other a bit before they both ran up to the phone to check it out.  


I thought I'd have this adorable photo of them peering at the camera.  They moved too fast. 

Then Feffer started grooming Shadow's ears. 

When I checked in on them today, Shadow was vigorously grooming Feffer's face. He had a look of bliss about him. 

So then I decided to see how the other pair were doing. 

You can tell they are the married couple of the farm yard. 

No snuggling next to each other.  Both on opposite sides of the hutch. They've been together forever. 

If we were having coffee ... I'd give an update about the chicks.  They are having a blast and living their best life.  One of the older chicks is starting to sound like a big girl. 

Since photos can't quite do it justice, I shot a quick video. 

If we were having coffee ... I'd tell you how the big Brahmas are doing after the fox attack. 

The girls seem to have forgotten their brush with death.  Instead choosing to focus on dust baths, checking in on the roo, and putting the new girls (and baby roo) in their places. 

Yes, I said roo.  He's still with us. Yay!  

Last night we saw him drinking a bit.

"Oh! Hey - water!"

This morning we saw him eating a small bit.  He's walking around the coop, making noises, and is alert.  He takes frequent long rest breaks. I made sure he has easy access to food and water, so he doesn't need to lift his head too high. 

Our other roo, K2,  has decided he needs to pick on this guy.  K2 spent most of the day outside. He will probably be sleeping on Shadow and Feffer's couch tonite. 

If we were having coffee ... I'd update you on my knitting. 

I have made it past the heel flap and heel turn on my sock.  I'm ready zoom down the foot and get it done!

I shared this photo on my Facebook page and someone asked why I knit inside out.  Usually I flip my projects inside out before I take photos of anything I'm making in the round. 

I didn't always knit inside out.  I'm not sure when it started.  I did a quick google search to try and learn why I might be knitting this way.

Turns out that I knit with the needle farthest away from me, not the closest one.  I'm guessing it comes from when I join the round and start knitting.  This works for me, though.  

If we were having coffee ... I'd share about the cross stitch project I decided to start sometime this past week, actually Thursday, June 11.  I just went back and looked.  I didn't spent a lot of time on it.  I suppose I could be keeping track of the time but right now I just don't have the brain space for keeping track of time. 

Pattern is 4th of July by Tiny Modernist.  

If we were having coffee ... I'd blather just a tiny bit about the garden stuff. 

It's an itty bitty baby tomato!

My peppers were first to fruit and now I've got a few Romas growing. So exciting for us! This is one of the plants I potted back in April. 

Things are growing in the main garden. My lettuce tripled in size. I'm going to have a bit more weeding done and then maybe I'll do a "proper" garden tour video. Maybe. 


The weather was pretty nice today, despite the wind. I suppose it was a good day to end our vacation time.

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