Thursday, June 4, 2020

School is done

This afternoon I drove my son to school so he could bring his schoolbooks back. The school year is D-O-N-E, DONE! He turned his final assignment in this morning. Tomorrow is the official last day of school.  Truthfully, it couldn't have been done soon enough! I know the teachers were trying their hardest, but this method of distance learning kicked the butt of a lot of parents I know. 

Otherwise, it was a pretty uneventful day.  My husband got to start his vacation early.  Mine starts next week and I'm really looking forward to it. 

There was a surprise rain shortly after I woke up this morning.  It's good, because the garden needs water. Thankfully it didn't get as humid as I feared it would.  Temps stayed fairly mild. Lots of sun once the rain and clouds moved out of the area. 

A few photos from the garden/orchard area this evening, during the golden hour

It's so stinking pretty over there. 

Bitty cherries! We are excited. 

Baby cherry on a different tree. 

The first year we started planting fruit bushes and trees we picked up a blueberry bush.  It died after a year or so. I don't remember.  It's been a dead bush, until this year.  It came back to life and it put out a few flowers.  We were stunned by this.  One of our apple trees that we thought was dead for sure came back life this year, too. 

This evening I put in some work on a small cross stitch project I started back in January, and then have barely touched since early February. 

It's the "LOVE" pattern by Tiny Modernist. The colors in the bottom section aren't following the pattern.  Why?  Because I decided to make a design element change without realizing it. 

All that is left is the border.  Woot! 

One last thing for the evening:  I supervised my son while he made his very first bundt cake. 

It is one of the "Nothing Bundt" cakes that we are both in love with. I think it look pretty darn awesome for a first bundt cake.  My first bundt cake was a mess when I flipped it out of the pan. 

Tomorrow he learns how to make the frosting.

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