Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Looking forward to summer

This year it feels as if winter is never ending, and summer will never arrive.  My neck of the woods gets teased with nice weather and sunshine.  Then it rains or gets colder again.  No more snow, thankfully. Though after my last writing we did have one last round of snow.  Bah! 

Now, we merely worry about overnight frosts.  The cherry tree we have had for a few years is blooming.  We've been watching the bees pay special attention to each and every blossom.  The tree is finally synced with the old crabby apple trees that are in the back yard. 

We picked up a few more cherry trees this year.  We paid a bit more for them and we already can see it was worth the extra investment. 

The garden has been put in.  A few weekends ago my husband tilled up the garden and I spent time over a few days planting tomatoes, jalapeños, broccoli, cauliflower and a few other things. We also *finally* put in the sprinklers we purchased a few years ago, and never took the time to put in. 

Isn't that a lovely sound? 

This is my son's last week of school for the year.  He's already on summer time, I swear.  I feel bad for the teachers. 

Meanwhile, I've been taking care of the baby chicks and the baby bunnies.  Oh yes, baby bunnies.  Would you believe me that we had two surprise litters born? It's true.

I know fully understand the saying "breeding like rabbits"  It's not that they "breed" all the time.  They just have babies all the time, and it doesn't take long. 

When I'm not playing with chicks or bunnies, I have been crafting a bit. 

Now here's the part that I've been sitting on for so long, and part of why I haven't written.  I'm sort of stuck. 

I have a bunch of completed FOs, but the ability to sit down and record a video has not been in the cards these last several months.  Now, with school out, I'm not sure when I'll have time to myself to record.  The thought of talking to a computer with someone in the next room makes me feel a bit silly, and knowing my son, he would be a bit of a dork about the whole thing. 

So ... what to do?  Keep on the break?  Try and pick up again next fall?  I dunno.  

Also, for the last several months, social media has left sort of a bad taste in my mouth. I've been gradually taking a step back from it all.  Facebook, for better or worse, I'm a bit tethered to because I  manage a few groups. So, if you follow me on any of the social media sites, and wonder why I've gone quiet, just blame social media at large. 

If I'm honest, I've actually given a lot of thought about ending the blog writing, but I like being able to look back and seeing what I was up to, so I won't be ending it.  Plus, I always hated when blog writers abruptly stopped writing and there was no explanation why. I'll just be less frequent, or I'll have less pictures, or maybe not put the link on as many of the social media sites. 

In the meantime, I've mostly working on a weaving project.  It's slow going, but I'm getting there. 

It is supposed to be a rectangular shawl, but I think I got my measurements wrong. It may wind up being an extra wide scarf.  That's okay. I'm using. I'm using Lion Brand Shawl in a Cake yarn, in the Wind Chimes colorway.  I'm loving the color.  It's shades of blue and soft whites, with a bit of sparkle in it.  Several people in one of the weaving groups I lurk in said they made lots of woven shawls with this yarn. So I thought I'd give it a try.  Yeah, no, I don't know that I'll do anymore weaving with this type of yarn. It's soft, but it's a bit hairy and it catches in the reed. 

I'm also working on a vanilla sock. (Shocking, I know!) I don't have any photos of it. 

I also have a Halloween-themed table topper started. I have to make it into a quilt sandwich and do some machine quilting on it. No photo of this either.  (Sorry)

Until next time, stay warm! 


Becky G said...

I'd say stay on break until Fall. I enjoy your video blogs, but you need to be comfortable doing them. I know what you mean about social media. I've been backing off Facebook myself. I'm still blogging, though, and kind of hoping the blog movement makes a comeback. It's so much more fulfilling than reading a FB post.

Amnicon Studio said...

Thanks you for your feedback. :-) At the beginning, when I was recording more consistently, I was starting to feel more comfortable in front of the camera, but I just know trying to record with someone else in the house would cause me to feel really awkward.

I do enjoy writing, but my free time is getting pretty sparse lately. Then I let things build up :-/ and then I feel overwhelmed.

There has been so much going on with social media. :-( Things used to be so much better, but things aren't quite as friendly as they used to be.