Friday, December 1, 2023

Is there a blogmas?

 This morning I opened up Youtube and hit play.  A few of the channels I follow have started posting vlogmas and flossmas videos.  I remembered these from last year and thought how fun it would be to participate. 

Alas, I have a few things working against me.  Time and introvertedness being the main two. 

Then, thinking I was all clever, I thought "Is there such a thing as "blogmas". 


Naturally, blogmas has to be so much MORE than just writing and sharing.  You got to have a plan. Or, you could just wing it.  A quick search on Instagram about blogmas hashtags doesn't bring up much, unless you are looking for people using the hashtags as marketing tools. 

Which kind of brings me to something else. 

This morning I came across an article/write up about Neil Gaiman's radical vision for the future of the internet.  It was pretty interesting to me.  I always keep coming back to the blog and blogging.  There's definitly more sense of community and connectedness when you read someone's blog.  But, yeah, getting your writing out in front of the people you want to connect to.  It's tough. Social media was supposed to connect everyone and I feel so disconnected and disenchanted with it all. 

So I learned something new today. I reckon. 

Blogging is supposed to be fun for me.  That's the approach I've always taken with it. 

In other news, I have some good news and some bad news. 

The good news is that I finished my mitten today!

I'm so pleased with them!

I was telling a friend today that light can make or break a photo.  I think that's what's going on in this photo.  One mitten looks brighter than the other, and with how they are laying, one looks bigger than the other.  In real life they are both the same size. 

I will say that working this yarn on a smaller than called for needle size was not easy on my hands. I may have to give them a rest. 

Project Name: Simplest Mittens
Started: Nov. 27, 2023
Finished: Dec. 1, 2023
Designer/Source: Tin Can Knits
Yarn: Lion Brand Wool Ease Thick and Quick
Colorway: Hudson Bay
Needle size: U.S. 5 (3.75 mm) and U.S 8 (5.0 mm)
Made For: myself

The bad news is that we had a predator attack this evening and we lost some of the hens. 

This evening I saw someone local-to-me post that the northern lights were going on. I got dressed to go outside and see if I could see anything.  I figured I'd go tuck the girls in while I was out there.  

I stuck the flashlight over towards the coop and saw one of the barred rocks hanging out in a spot that they don't normally hang out in. I said "What's wrong, girl?" 

A predator attack. We lost three of our barred rocks and the lone australorp hen was laying outside the coop with her head gone.  I looked in the coop and tried to do a count and saw a couple of our orpingtons were gone, too and my Stumpy Girl was nowhere to be seen.  She's the one I'd miss the most. She's the little one of the coop and she suffered frost bite last year, hence the name "Stumpy." 

 I came in to the house, told my husband what happened.  He got dressed and came out with me and I saw some of the orpingtons. They must have been hiding under the coop.  As soon as I saw one I said "Stumpy girl! Is that you?"  She came walking towards me and I snatched her up and cooed at her a bit. She's another one who likes to talk to me. 

The birds won't be let out for the rest of the season/winter. We are going to assume it was a fox that got them. They are going to be so mad when they realize they won't be able to free-range.  Did you know that we have two roosters.  TWO! Naturally they were both fine. ... 

Well, I suppose that is it for now. 

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