Monday, December 11, 2023

Now, for something different

 Tonight I worked on a quilt square. 

I am a pinner!

This is the sixth out of 12 squares. I'm halfway there!

The rest of the squares will have the bear paw-looking bits turned inward. 

After spending so much time lately on cross stitch and knitting it was nice to work on something different. It took a long time and I made a boo boo towards the end, despite having the pieces all laid out. 

Earlier today I was half-watching the birds while I was feeding my sourdough starter. 

I finally figured out a way to have suet out for the birds and the squirrels aren't knocking the holder down and taking off with the suet cake. 

I also put out some dried pieces of bread for the squirrels and the blue jays. 

The blue jays liked the bread.  I'm sure they would have rather had corn or some kind of seed.  Beggars can't be choosers. 

I managed a photo of one of the squirrels enjoying the bread, but the window was all steamed up so it didn't turn out. 

Yup, it was a happy crew out there. 

My sourdough starter ...  I'm struggling this time around. 

It gets a lot of the "hooch" going.  Which I read is okay. 

It's not behaving like I expect it to. I don't see the massive amount of bubbles or growth.  I've been reading a bit on The Pantry Mama's website.  I feel so invested in this now.  Maybe it's the time of year?  Not as much wild yeast floating around? 

And then I ask myself "Why am I doing this?" Cause I read that sourdough can be better for you than regular white bread and I want to test this out. 

Oh yeah, and I managed to eek out another ornament this evening. It took like no time at all. 


Becky G said...

I love the quilt square. I think it would be so much fun to have a good old fashioned quilting bee like our foremothers used to do. Your ornament looks almost like your quilt square, too. It's so cute.

Amnicon Studio said...


A quilting bee would be fun!