It's been a moment since I last wrote anything.
What have I been up to? A little bit of this, a little bit of that. I actually started writing a blog post a couple weeks ago. Got distracted. Forgot what I was doing and started working on something else.
It seems to be the thing lately. I feel like what I've been doing lately is so boring and not very exciting.
The long and short is that my hubby and I were finishing up the big wood splitting project.
I had a supervisor.
She said my workspace was a mess and I should do something about it. Well, she wasn't wrong.
So I sort of did something about it. Or, I had my hubby do something about it *wink*
The final round stack of the project.
I finally harvested those carrots. it was like the final kick in the teeth to the garden season this year. Or something like that. I did not get nearly as many carrots as I thought I would. A real bummer.
At least the washing process wasn't so overwhelming. I have two one-gallon bags of carroty goodness in the back of my fridge.
I got the carrots taken care of just in time, too. It snowed the next day and the ground froze.
I admit, it was kinda magical and beautiful for a moment.
Then reality set in, along with the cold.
I am a member of one of those Aldi groups on the book of faces and someone mentioned something about homemade bacon ...
Yeah, you know we had to give that a try.
We used some pork we had in the freezer and I found a recipe.
Right after pulling it out of the brine
After slicing it up and before cooking it.
One word: YUM!
One of my very good knit friends sent me a box of goodies and one of the items in the box was this fun chicken.
Cute, right? I put it in Furby's space for a while. I had to move it because we both kept thinking there was a real chicken in the house.
In the midst of all this I have been doing a wee bit of crafting. In November I really focused on my One Piece cross stitch and finally sat down and started working on the porcupine boxes.
It's so cute.
I can't wait to show off the final pieces. I'm still not done with the one. I'm still deciding on whether to put the pom-pom trim on it, or not.
I went digging for the cross stitch ornaments I made earlier this year. I was so bummed when I discovered one of the frames broke.
Fortunately I have extra frames, but it was a bit of a pain to get that cut fabric back into a new hoop.
Oh, and a bit of other *exciting* news ... you are in for a surprise.
We ordered more wood.
Yes, you read that right!
Another semi-load of wood. My husband and I both decided it would be a good winter project and there's no rush on it.
This past week we started working on the pile. I don't have any progress shots of what it looks like.
Crazy, right? Yeah, i know. The amount of wood sitting in our yard is an immense security. However, no more wood after this!
Last Wednesday I had an afternoon appointment in town. This was the sky as I was leaving the Aldi.
So that's a bit of what's going on right now. I've been pondering and ruminating a bit. Mostly about the crafting stuff. Last year I made the point of making goals for myself for 2024. Then things went kinda sideways in March. I'm debating on whether to try that again for 2025, or if I should just wing it. I seem to do really good at winging it when it comes to my hobbies.