Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Christmas is just around the corner

I updated my tree. Just a wee bit.  Decided to go ahead and put some of my cross stitch ornaments on the tree.  To heck with them maybe being too big! 

This week I finally got my act together and got gifts wrapped and placed. Thanks to Amazon I have a few presents from family members that I wrapped up and I'm crossing my fingers I didn't label any incorrectly.  Wouldn't that be hilarious?

This week is a bit of a crazy one at work. We had a publishing day on Monday and I turned around and started working on the next issue because we gave ourselves an early deadline of this Friday to get out the Jan. 2 paper. 

Printer holiday schedule and the Christmas and New Year's holidays have made for a wicked early deadline this go around.  But you know what?  I think we need it.  So me and my coworkers and really enjoy the holidays and not have to worry about deadlines and publishing days. 

Over the past weekend the hubby and I decided to take advantage of the nice weather and cut, split and stacked some wood. 

There is a pretty decent dent on the wood pile already.  I want to say we took 12 row feet (is that even a thing?) from it already. 

Do you see that orange stick? We got a log roller tool and it's a real game-changer. 

We are around halfway done with the first holz hausen. 

The chickens came over, looking for tasty bugs.  

Yeah ... the girls know that tasty little morsels of protein can be found in some of the wood when it's split. We may have created a monster. Ha!

This day I opened up the coop run and the birds came out, with suspicion. 

Just wait until the snow gets really deep. 

Speaking of snow ... another clipper is set to go through the area tomorrow.  Currently the temperature is four degrees Fahrenheit (-16 Celcius) Tomorrow's temps should be fun. 

Oh look, what's soaking before being blocked? 

 All will be revealed, at some point in the near future. 

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