Tuesday, January 28, 2020

January update

Hello! I'm still here! 

I have been a bit of a busy girl since the start of the New Year. If I'm honest, I've been a busy girl since November, but working on house stuff since Christmas week.

My husband had Christmas week off. We decided to replace the kitchen floor that week.  A nice shiny new oak floor which took us just over two days to take out the old floor and install the new one. 

It was my first time using a floor nailer. I think I did a pretty decent job of it, too.

Here is a photo with a bit of a side-by-side comparison of our old floor (the dark brown) and the new flooring.  The new flooring is a beautiful light oak.  The linoleum is from when we first moved into the house. 

The kitchen is a lot lighter and brighter. I really enjoy spending time in there, and puttering around. 

After that, it was painting time. You know how sometimes something starts small.  Like, "I'm just going to touch up this little bit." Then you see how obvious it is that you touched up a wall?  Yeah, it was like that.  Pretty soon I was painting the entire house.  I kept the same color, so it only took one fresh coat of paint. 

Except my son's room.  He has been asking for his room to be painting white for a very long time.  My husband and I decided to paint the room white for my son's birthday. 


Painting that room took two coats of paint. But, it is done, and he's a happy little man. 

To pat myself on the back: At no time did I cry about painting. I have done this in the past.  Ask my husband. He will verify. 

When I wasn't painting I was snow blowing or plowing.  Oh-em-gee! Our area is past 70 inches of snow for the year. 

Everyone I have spoken with is tired of all the snow. As soon as you think you are done cleaning it up and/or shoving it out of the way - Boom - more snow. 

What else have I been doing?  I've sort of gone nuts about cooking and baking. I've been watching classes on Bluprint and making my guys my guinea pigs. 

What brought this on?  I got new enameled cast iron dutch ovens and an air fryer for Christmas. I know, I'm spoiled. 
I was too lazy to take a photo of the pot, so here's a photo from Sam's Club. 

This beauty my husband found on eBay. I was showing it off to one of my Facebook groups, so I have a photo of it.

A week ago we shipped Shadow's last baby off to his new home. 

He was the last of a surprise litter.  We had taken precautions with Shadow. She was in her own space, and Thor was in his own space.  Somehow they made magic happen and she had a litter of four babies. 

Don't you love those ears of his? I was forever playing with them when I was holding him. 

All the other rabbits are doing well.  The females are getting quite thick, err, I mean "fluffy." The males are holding their own, I guess. 

The chickens are doing well. This past weekend my son and I cleaned out the coop. A clean out was very much needed *and* very much appreciated.  The chickens aren't too keen on going outside right now, but they want that snow!  We bring snow into the coop by the bowlful for them. 

Earlier this month I recorded a podcast episode.  It was right when I started coming down with my cold and I had no energy.  I watched it and decided to not load it.  You could tell I wasn't feeling well. I still have a cold but it's getting close to the end. In the meantime, no one wants to see me struggle, trying to be upbeat, when it's so obvious I should be in bed resting. 

Otherwise, it's been fairly quiet around the homestead.  I'm officially thinking of spring and when we can start doing all the things that involve being outside.  We've been watching a lot of Homestead Rescue.  Some of it is ridiculous but it's also giving my ideas and jump starting the spring fever. 

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