Friday, April 4, 2008

Will I have enough?

I'm not moving as fast as I'd like on my second Blueberry Waffle sock. I ended up rolling the remaining yarn into a ball cause I was afraid it would turn into a tangled mess.

I've also seen a pattern I really like for a second pair of socks. It's a J Townsend pattern called pretty petals, I think. If you wanna see a pic of them go here.

And I had a bummer last night. I was looking at the first pair of socks I made. I made them for DS and he hasn't worn them a ton ... well, I found a hole in the heel of one of the socks. Looks like it was a wear spot. That really bums me out. :-( I was kind of expecting it but not so soon. They were made with a mostly acrylic yarn so I guess this kind of confirms to me that you should not use acrylic yarn for making socks. ... Well, I was such a newbie at the time that I didn't know better.

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