Friday, September 9, 2022

Months are flying by

September is coming. 

September is here. 

How is it that we are already nine days into the new month? 

Once again I've been running on all cylinders, it feels, and not a whole lot to show for it. 

Well ... a few things have happened in the last few weeks. 

The school year started back up. Granted, it's only been a week. We are all slowly falling back into a routine. My son has a few classes and is in a program where he can work during the day, since he's got almost all his credits for graduation.  

My husband's birthday happened. I was very proud to give him a cross stitch I stitched for him. When I saw the chart I knew I had to make it for him. 

This is a chart I found in the Just Cross Stitch magazine. 

Canning season has started.  Of sorts. I decided to can up some of the ground venison from last season. 

It was a two canner day.

I forgot how long it takes to pressure can meat.  I was very glad I had both of them. 

When all done there were 37 jars of ground venison.  Shelf stable and ready to go when I need it. 

Course, after a day of pressure canning we decided to look into canners that will hold more jars at a time, and not break the bank. 

We found one. 

I'm excited to take it out on it's maiden voyage. 

Yesterday Queen Elizabeth II passed away. I decided the occasion warranted my opening my bag of creme caramel tea. I enjoyed a pot, with a few maple biscuits, in her honor. 

Then I found out today that her favorite tea was Earl Grey.  Pity I didn't know that sooner.  I almost had that tea.  I have a lot of it.  I'm a fan of bergamot. 

Today was a rain, dreary day. A thunderstorm started early in the a.m. and the thunder rumbled for hours this this morning. 

In the afternoon I sat and pondered the week, while staring out the window. 

I can feel fall in the air.  Soon I'll have to start tending to fires in the wood stove. 

On August 31 I harvested this beauty. 

My first tomato of the season.  This is the latest I've harvested my first garden tomato.

A month ago I signed up for Britbox and have been watching a couple shows.  I was watching Sr. Boniface Mysteries and just started watching Fr. Brown Mysteries. I already have a gem of a line from the first episode. "God is not your scapegoat."

I've come across a few gems on the book of faces recently. 

I love the baby yoda.

This one I saw in the Backyard Chickens group. It's so very true!

Until next time ... 


Becky G said...

I didn't know the Queen's favorite tea was Earl Gray, either. I'll have to go make a cuppa in her memory.

I used to have Britbox, but dropped it last year when things started getting tight. I may have to pick it and Acorn back up. Funny, I got it to watch Vera, but had to get both services to get all of the seasons. I have to find out which one carries Doc Martin, so I can watch the last season.

Love the cross stitch!

Amnicon Studio said...

I was a bit surprised to hear it was her favorite. Earl Grey feels a bit common, if that makes sense. I'd thought she'd like some fancy blend the best.

It took me a long time to sign up for Britbox. I've been thinking about it for months, and I finally decided to pull the trigger. I had to cancel another subscription, so I didn't feel too guilty about it. I was pretty excited to see all the Agatha Christie stuff that is available to watch.

Thanks! :-)