Thursday, August 18, 2022

WIP Wednesday, but on a Thursday

I really did mean to write yesterday. Alas, the day just flew!

To see my last update, click here

Project Name: Vanilla socks
Started: July 2022
Designer/Source: My own pattern
Yarn:Knit Picks Felici
Colorway: Captain Nemo
Colors: blues
Required Amount: 
Needle/Hook Size: U.S. 1 (2.25 mm)
Gauge: beats me
Made For: Myself
Dye Lots: 18510

After the last update I placed a pin to mark my progress from the last time I shared.

I have a row or two to go before I can start making the heel flap. 

Project Name: Stars and Stripes
Started: July 16, 2022
Fabric: 14 Count Aida by Zweigart, in "toast."
Pattern originally called for 36 count linen, in a light mocha color
Floss: I'm using the called-for colors in DMC
Stitch count: 74 x 122
Size: Too lazy to do the math right now
Needle Size: size 26

I made a little bit of progress on the basket.  After taking this photo I worked on this and got a few more rows of the red done.  Then realized I used the wrong red, and had to rip it all out.  Boo and hiss!

Project Name: Edna goes to brunch
Started: early July 2022
Designer/Source: Lindy Stitches
Fabric: 32 count Mint Splash Lugana by Zweigart
Floss: I'm using the called-for colors in DMC
Stitch count: 133 x 96
Size: 8.3" x 6"
Needle Size: size 28

I worked on the orange a little bit while watching "Naked and Afraid" this past weekend. Because it is evenweave I try to work on this when I have day light. That's the best light! 

In other news, since I seem to not post too much about the daily shenanigans, (believe me, there isn't much shenanigans going on) let me blather a bit. 

This morning the sky was a pretty funky color. 

I had to snap this photo and take a short video.  I immediately sent them off to my SIL's. The one SIL and I seem to have a "thing" about skies and clouds. 

I threw a pork roast on the smoker this morning. It was tonite's supper, and oh, so good!

Three on a Thursday, just because I can. 

1. A short while back I "rescued" some chicks.  Two of them wound up being cornish cross meat birds. 

Well, one of them is super sweet, and each time I go out to the coop, he comes over and greets me and expects loves and scritches. Then he kind of stands guard and "protects" me from the other babies who might want scritches. 

I tried to take a quick video and no one wanted to go into the coop and greet me. I decided to go out into the pen, and they all looked at me like "Who are you?" 

2. The last couple of days I've been watching the hummingbirds at the feeder.  I'm up to 4 birds. I think they all chase each other away from the feeder, and spots in the tree next to the feeder. I'm contemplating setting up a second feeder on the other side of the deck. It will still be close to the birch tree. 

3. I came across an article today about "The Velveteen Rabbit" turning 100 years old this year. I have yet to read the story, or see any of the movies. Can you believe it?  I downloaded the ebook from my library today. I have a feeling I'm going to be bawling at some point while I read it. 

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