Thursday, August 11, 2022

Three on Thursday

 I'm still trying to figure out how the theme for this Three on Thursday goes. I don't have the time to follow the rabbit trail, I suppose.  

When I saw this blog, she said she was sharing three things that bring her joy.  I can get on board with that!

Three things that bring me joy. 

1. Music.  I like most music.  My pandora channels are kind of all over the place. I've got different kinds of Jazz, big band music, heavy metal, industrial metal, Enigma, New Age, Native American, House and dance, dub steb ... yeah, it's pretty crazy.  I think the only kind of don't have on there is rap.  I can't get into a lot of rap.  Some of the old school stuff, maybe. 

Three songs I've listened to today:

I think I might like this remix better than the original. 

2. Cloud watching. Remember, as a kid, just lazing in the grass and watching the clouds go by? I used to do that a lot. Now I'm a busy adult and rarely have down time to just laze about and watch the clouds.  It's such an underrated thing, and I think important to do. This summer is flying by and I haven't spent nearly as much time as I'd like watching the clouds. 

3. Hummingbirds.  May seem a little odd to say this one.  I get such a kick out of seeing them at the feeder every day during the summer. I used to put out more than one feeder, thinking the few that visit me would each have their own.  No.  They all go for the one next to the deck.  I think it's because the tree provides a place for them to rest. 

The day has been a mostly quiet day. My son had the day off and he spent the day working on the computer he's building.  

I know.  I'm kinda in awe about it too. Every so often he'd call me in and ask me to hold something or place something.  So I said "you know what? Now I get to say I helped build this computer." (Cause I'm so clever, right? LOL) He was like "Yeah, yeah ..." 

There is an early publishing day for work.  Paper needs to be wrapped up by noon tomorrow.  It's also a larger than usual issue.  It's almost all done.  Four pages left. 

When I wasn't messing with pages, I was outside, keeping an eye on Furby. 

Weather-wise, it was gorgeous out. Sunny and not too warm out.  Bit of a breeze. 

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