Monday, August 1, 2022

Well. Hello there, August.

 *dusting off the virtual pen and paper*

More than a month ago something got me thinking.  I don't recall what it was, unfortunately. 

Back in 2007, or whenever I got into knitting, I used to listen to a TON of knitting podcasts.  As my hobby load grew, so did my podcast list. 

Have you thought back to someone who used to put out a podcast, blog or youtube videos and they stopped putting out content? Or they said they were ending what they were doing, and you have no idea what they are doing now but wish you did? 

There have been many times I've done a google search for *something* and came up to a blog that was offering a free pattern or chart, and you click to see what their most recent post was and it was from years prior and they wrote about something and then no follow through. 

Podcasters, bloggers and Youtubers who you feel you get to know because they let you in to their life, and then they either burn out, or something happens in real life that was big enough that they stopped sharing updates on what they were up to.

"What happened to this person who tried to reach out to the people of the internet?" I usually wonder.

I looked back at my lost blog post, written in February, (February?!?!?!? Really, it's been that long) and I see I did this same thing. 


Did anyone notice I went silent?  Possibly not. The interwebs are so big and I gave up participating in most communities a long time ago. Most of people I want to stay in touch with are connected to me on Faceb**k, so they know I'm still kicking.  I occasionally share a meme or some tidbit about life, but nothing near the kind of sharing I used to. I've given up on the other social media platforms. I deleted everything on my Twitter.  I made my Instagram private and deleted the app off my phone. (Though I may need to add it back on, and figure out my password so I can post something on there about this blog entry.) Faceb**k is pretty much the only social media site I look at now. Does YouTube count as social media? 

The long and short of it is that I got tired. Algorithms on most social media sites make it almost impossible for others to see what you are sharing. 

Sprinkle in a few other things and I decided that I was going to stop writing. 

You know what I learned? 

There is a certain freedom in not sharing what's going on in your life. Specially when you realize that the social media powers that be are deciding who gets to see what. 

Over the last several months I have enjoyed going about things and not thinking about how I'm going to frame things for a blog post. 

What I haven't enjoyed?  Well, I miss recording my projects and seeing the progression of every thing. I also learned that I suck at keeping notes for my hobbies. 

Sooooo .... I'm dusting off the old blog. Aren't you lucky?!?!?! 

Ha, I still crack myself up. 

It is going to take a while to get myself caught up to a certain point. 

Most likely, I will not post blog links to social media, except Facebook. Maybe.  I strongly encourage you to subscribe to the blog, and receive emails each time I post a new entry, or add my blog to your favorite RSS feed.  Despite some people calling RSS feeds dead, I think they are going to make a comeback. Surely I can't be the only person sick of social media and algorithms determining what shows up on your feed. 

In the meantime, just so this isn't a post of just words, here is a photo of one of the daisies that are growing in my yard. 


Becky G said...

I noticed.

I think I've felt the same sort of burnout when it comes to blogging, but in my case, it's because there isn't any interaction any more. I feel like I'm blogging to ... nobody. Very few people comment any more, and if my post doesn't show up in their Faceb**k feed, they don't even come read.

I miss the comradery of blogging, as opposed to the shallowness and superficiality of social media. And of course, I miss Suzie. She was the one I blogged to, so to speak. When ever I was stuck on what to talk about, I'd think, "What would I tell Suzie if she were here?" Then I'd have no problem coming up with things to say.

In the meantime, I keep plugging away, hoping blogging will make a comeback.

Amnicon Studio said...

It is frustrating to throw your words out into the blogosphere and everyone is busy with their social media. You can't really search social media when you are trying to figure out a solution to something. Facebook groups are to the point where people keep asking the same things, over and over, because there is such a saturation.

I miss some forums. There were more intimate, I think.

I looked at my instagram for the first time in forever. This may ruffle some feathers but it wasn't anything I missed. You don't get to know the people anymore. You don't find some cool account to follow, and still be able to see their posts.

Suzie came across my mind recently. It was something how that happened for more than one person, on the same day.

Thanks for the comment. I am reading your blog. :-). I'm just not up-to-date yet.