Thursday, June 1, 2023

If we were having coffee ... Hello June ...

 This type of blog post is for when I have a lot of little things I want to share, or when I feel the need to catch up. 

If we were having coffee ... I'd say ... it's been a while. More than a month.  

And what a month it was.  As what usually happens when I try to do a round up catch-up, I've forgotten half of what I was going to write about. 

Let me start with the biggest thing that happened. 

We got a tractor!

A John Deere!

It was an adventure driving up to get it. It was one of those things where my husband had been keeping an eye on Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist for tractors for sale.  Long story cut short: One morning before work he saw this gem listed on Facebook and declared it was *the one.* 

After getting in touch with the owner we headed off to the U-Haul rental place, then back on the road and hours to go to get it.  We drove up through the U.P and back down into Wisconsin.  Bought the tractor and then back up through the U.P and into Wisconsin to get it home.  It made for a long day but so worth it. 

If we were having coffee ... I'd put my mom cap on and do a kid update.  My son got to go to two proms.  One at his school, and one at his girlfriend's school.  They are a cute couple and they had a blast. 

Speaking of the boy ... he's now a high school graduate! We are like a week post-graduation and it still seems surreal. 

If we were having coffee ... I'd share a quick blather that I have started putting the garden in. 

Last weekend my hubby rototilled the garden for me, and we expanded the garden just a bit. 

A fresh, blank slate.  Full of possibilities. I didn't take photos of it post-planting.  That will be rectified soon. 

I had my helpers out there, too.

Furby was helping till the soil and adding fertilizer. 

My hubby was setting up the expanded area, and laying down mulch. 

If we were having coffee ... I'd share about something really cute!

A barred owl has moved into the back twenty. I hear it calling often when I go to tuck the birds in at night. There has even been a few daytime sightings of it.  It's so pretty. The one day it was peeking at us between tree branches. 

One morning last week my hubby was out in the back yard, taking care of some things.  He practically came running back to the house, opened the door and said "you got to come out right now." 

I threw some shoes and a jacket on and followed him. 

What did I see?  A baby!!

It was so freaking cute! It was just sitting there, staring at us, and then it blinked one eye. 

We both wanted to pick it up. We were good and did not.  Mama was in a tree, nearby. She kept calling and vocalizing, so we knew she was keeping an eye out. 

If we were having coffee ... I'd share that crafting and what not has been almost non-existent.  You already knew that, though. Because of my no writing for like month.  Then with the weather being a heifer, there wasn't much for me to write about on the gardening front, either. 

Luckily, my eyesight has improved. It no longer hurts my head when I try to work on my cross stitch.  

So I've been puttering with it, just a bit. 

I'm making very slow progress on this piece.  It's a Month-to-Month by the Stitching with the Housewives.

I've been doing a lot of pondering this last month about my crafting hobbies. Back at the beginning of the year I wrote a list (A LIST!) of all the stuff I wanted to work on this year.  I even wanted to do Maynia again.  Then life things happened.  Boo!  In my head I'm trying to work out how to rectify this so I'm a bit more productive in the second part of the year. We'll see how that goes.

Well, I suppose that is all for this one. 

As my friend Becky would say, "Laters."


Angelfire212 said...

I love that cross stitch! My garden is SO much smaller than yours - I am just hoping to get something from it this year. I need a second Me to do all the things that need doing. 😊

Becky G said...

Congratulations on the new tractor! I used to drive my uncle's tractor and it was so much fun. Thanks for the shout-out. BTW, I picked that up from an old BBC show I used to watch on PBS called The Cafe. It was about a family (mother, daughter, granddaughter) who ran a cafe on the beach. It was pretty good show, and I hate they stopped showing it, but when Britbox and Acorn came along, PBS lost their licenses to a lot of good British shows.