Friday, June 16, 2023

Recent finished objects ... and some blather

 While getting ready for this blog post I decided to look up the last time I posted finished objects. 

1. It's been a while

2. I was trying to track down the wrong tags.  I almost labeled this one WIPs #6 for 2023, or something like that.  


It's been a bit of a week.  It went fast. It dragged. I felt behind on all the things. 

And now I feel like I may be coming down with something. 

My son has been sick this week, and was complaining of a sore throat earlier this week. 

Guess who is feeling a bit of a sore throat?  Yup.  This girl here.  

Fingers crossed the vitamin C I took will knock it out before it gets a hold. 

The weather this week has been a bit odd. The other day I broke down and made a fire in the wood stove.  My husband said "Really?" when he came home and I told him what I had done.  I was cold! It was *not* warming up in the house and I had opened the windows early in the morning, thinking it was going to warm up a lot earlier than it did. My feet were like ice that day. 

Anyways, I'm sure the weird temperature fluctuations aren't helping anything. 

*clears throat* Okay.  On to the finished objects I promised. 

Vanilla socks are done! Another project that had been on the needles for what feels like forever.

Project Name: Vanilla socks

Started: Jan. 7, 2023
Finished: June 1, 2023, or thereabouts
Designer/Source: My own pattern
Yarn: Patons Kroy sock yarn
Colorway: Mexicala stripes
Colors: oranges, red, purples and a smatter of blue and white
Required Amount: Two skeins of sock yarn. 100 grams
Needle/Hook Size: U.S. 1 (2.25 mm)
Gauge: beats me
Made For: Myself
Dye Lots: WL238520

I think I'm going to put a bit of a pause on vanilla socks, and get back to basics.  

"What?" you are probably asking. 

The last pairs of socks I've made have not been my best work.  I seem to have lost something. 

Soooooo ... I decided to look up sock classes on craftsy.  I have a membership there and came across a class by Lucy Neatby. I'm going to do a remedial (to me) class. 

I decided to pick up some acryllic worsted weight yarn and I'm going to work through the class and use that yarn to make some bedroom socks.  

The other thing I finished is my February Month to Month.

Here it is. "Barn fresh."

Started: Jan. 15, 2023
Finished: June 14, 2023
Fabric: Aida cloth 14 count Hobby Lobby Zweigart.
Floss: Using called for Classic Colorworks fancy floss
Colors: Black, pink, red, teal, green
Needle Size: 26
Made For: Myself

I am very happy to finally have it complete. It's going to go into a finished object pile until I decide how I want to FO all of the pieces in the series. 

In other crafty news 

Last night I started back up on my snowflake cross stitch. 

Using patternkeeper to keep track is on this chart is great. I'm bouncing around the grid with the same color and it's so much easier. 

I put in just over 100 stitches.  Last night I was scrolling through the Facebook and a group or page had something about a stitch-along and the notes said if the stitcher stitched 200 stitches a day, it would be easy to keep up and finish the stitch-along on time. 

I thought "What? That's a lot of stitches," and figured the person would probably have to really dedicate their time to the project.  Then I saw how quick you can do 100 stitches.  

With that in mind, I'm thinking if I put some dedicated time to this project, I can get it down sooner than later. 

I'd also like to pick "Edna" back up and work on her, and get it finished. 

I felt like I was starting to pick up steam before I decided to put it away.  Evenweave kinda kicks my butt. 

Recently I switched up the hashtags I am following on Instagram and was reminded that Tour de Fleece is just around the corner. I've been working on the same wool for the last several tours. 

My problem with spinning is that I don't have a good dedicated spot for spinning.  The chair I usually sit in when I'm in the living room isn't very comfortable for the sitting position I need to be in when I'm using the wheel. What I have been doing is  bringing out a kitchen chair, setting it up near Furby, and leave it like that for a while. 

Furby doesn't seem to mind my hanging out by her. 

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