Friday, September 13, 2024

The woods are calling

 This past week has flown by.  There was a big push at work this week, too.  One of my coworkers is going on vacation and we are a small office, and we need to work ahead.  All is good though. 

In short, I was a busy girl this week.  Working hard at the work-for-pay, like always.  Cruising along with stuff at home, trying to get all the things taken care of. So I don't have to think about anything more than I have to this weekend. 

What's so special about this weekend? 

Yup, bow opener. I'm looking for redemption! Remember how last season ended?  I wrote about it back in January

This will be occupying my time, thoughts and attention for next several hours, days, weeks (?) until I get my harvest. 

Wish me luck! 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

September is flying by!

Last week was a bit of a tough recovery from a three-day weekend.  I enjoy the long weekends but they can be tough when it's time to go back to work

I thought Monday was Sunday, and Wednesday was Friday. You know the drill. 

Because of all this discombobulation I didn't touch a lot of my crafty projects. 

I did, however, touch the garden. 

Oh, that sounds a bit obscene. Doh!

The garden is winding down and I've started pulling out plants. The first thing to go was the collard greens that I did not mean to plant.  They were mislabeled seeds. 

 I also pulled out some tomato plans that were not going to have any more tomatose, along with a few zucchini plants. 

I took a quick break and admired the grape vine that is now growing across the top of the garden fence. 

Yup, that's all milkweed.  I have a nice little patch of it growing for the butterflies.  I didn't see many butterflies this year. 

View of the garden from the table I have out there. 

This particular day I was feeling a bit moody about the state of the garden, and went to an online garden group and whined about it.  Then apologized for whining.  The majority of the people who responded said they felt the same about their own gardens this year.

This was definitely a tough year for the gardeners.

Stock flowers? So far only one plant bloomed. I do know this is a cool weather annual. 

Some of the fruits of the labor. 

Looks like I will indeed get my salsa this year. 

This, however, was for a small batch of spaghetti sauce. 

No gazpacho, though.  I was a bit bummed when I realized there would be no gazpacho this year. My coworker introduced me to it and I can't get enough of it when I realize I have enough tomatoes to make a batch. 

This past weekend I completed what ended up being a longer than it should have been project. Staining the trinket boxes. 

I held off on staining the boxes due to the weather.  I thought the stain and poly would take way too long to dry if I did it when it was raining. 

Boxes are now all done and ready to be finished off with any cross stitch I choose to top them with. 

This past weekend I was a bit productive with the crafty stuff.  I don't have pictures of everything, however. 

The heel was turned on my second passenger princess sock. 

The "Rest in Peace" sampler was started.  

Project Name: Rest in Peace

Started: Sept. 3, 2024

Fabric: 14 Count Rustico Aida, Oatmeal color, fabric from Hobby Lobby.
DMC in called for Colors: 931,799,902,356,221,3688,347,152,340,415,318,535,3865,320,169,930,501

I'm not going to lie, this sampler has got most of my cross stitch attention since the start of the month. 

This week feels like it is zooming by, despite only being Wednesday.  Then I looked at the date and realized it was Sept. 11. 

Sept. 11, you guys. 

Not only is it the anniversary of 9/11, it feels like we are reaching the middle of the month in record time. 

And yes, I do still remember where I was when I first heard about the plane flying in to the first tower.  I was in the drive thru at the bank, before work.  I was listening to The Bob and Tom show and Kristy Lee broke the news that the plane crashed into the tower and no one knew if it was an accident or intentional, or a big plane or a small one. 

I've been under the weather since Saturday.  I've been dosing myself with herbals teas and rest (when I can). Crossing my fingers whatever I have abates by the time Saturday morning rolls around.  

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Episode 21 - Looking forward to September


Hello!  Thanks for stopping by and watching! Show notes are below.  

Without thinking, I tossed my handwritten notes. Eeks!  These may not be as detailed as I'd like them to be this go round. 

Fully finished object

Project Name: Quilted Christmas
Started: Late November 15, 2023
Finished: Aug. 28, 2024
Designer/Source: Emily Call
Fabric: Charles Craft 18 count Aida cloth
DMC in called for Colors: DMC Blanc, 168, 469, 3712, 3045, 816, 310

Cross Stitch

Current works in progress

Project Name: One Piece 

Stitch count (via pattern keeper) as of Sept. 1, 2024: 3,757 / 9029 stitches, 41.6 percent complete

Started: March 30, 2024


Designer/Source: Cross Stitch Bay on Etsy. Chart no longer available

DMC Floss: 310

Fabric: 14 Count Aida purchased at Walmart

Needle Size: 26

Making for my son. 

From previous update

Up next ... 

Project name: Crested Porcupine

Stitch count (via pattern keeper) as of Sept. 1, 2024: 987 / 64,152 stitches, (1.54%)

Started: June 27, 2024


Designer/Source: Purple Stitching on Etsy.

DMC: 167, 168, 169, 310, 317, 318, 413, 414, 415, 433, 437, 451, 452, 453, 524, 535, 611, 612, 640, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 762, 779, 840, 841, 842, 844, 927, 928, 934, 935, 939, 3021, 3023, 3031, 3032, 3041, 3072, 3371, 3756, 3787, 3799, 3828, 3863, 3864, 3866

Fabric: Half yard of 14 count Aida purchased from Forbidden Fiber Co. 

Needle Size: 26

Stitching for myself.  I know it is going to take years. Story about Porkie is here. The follow up post is here. The story is towards the end of the post. Scroll down. 

Previous update

Love and Prickles, by Lindy Stitches

Project Name: Love and Prickles, #2
Started: Aug. 25
Floss: Called for DMC, B5200, 413, 3860, 415, 3816, 932, 21, except for 413. I used 415 for the face and quills, and 3799 for the body. 
Fabric: 18 count aida purchased from Hobby Lobby
Made For: Myself.  

I have plans to finish it off on a trinket box from Hobby Lobby.  Haven't settled on the trinket box yet. 

Future starts

Rest in Peace, by Becky Noland of Lucy Beam. Just Cross Stitch

Petite Pumpkin, by Tracy Richards of Wrought Iron Stitching. Just Cross Stitch

Maybe starting -- Souvenier de France, BlackBird Designs


Current WIP

Project Name: Passenger Princess Socks
Started: June 3, 2024
Designer/Source:Vanilla sock pattern I use.
Yarn: Patons Kroy Sock Yarn
Colorway: Midcentury stripes
Colors: Peach, blue, cream, vintage looking colors.
Needle size: U.S. 1, 2.5 mm

Made For: myself.

This is the start of the second sock.  I seem to be cruising along on it. 

New projects to cast on

Bly Cardigan, Berroco

The plan is to use my handspun to knit up this cardigan.  My first time making a sweater with handspun.

Vanilla socks, Malabrigo

World Simplest Mittens, Tin Can Knits

Will be using Lion Brand wool ease yarn. 

Handspun project, ongoing

Finn Wool Top purchased from Paradise Fibers several years ago. 

This is just a few of the Youtube channels I've watched the last few weeks and think you should check them out. Sharing is caring! 


Other channels mentioned in other parts of the video

Monday, September 2, 2024

The 'ber months are here

If you had asked me 15 years ago what my favorite season is I'm sure I wouldn't have hesitated to say summer.  When I was a kid I LOVED summer.  School was done, my birthday is in the summer.  Did I mention school was done? 

As I got older and into gardening, I thought maybe spring was my favorite season.  Spring may bring seed starting time, but it also brings a ton of rain, mud, slush ... you get it. 

Now, I would say, without a doubt, Autumn is my favorite season. 

Well, for one, the mosquitos go back to the hell they came from. 

When people would tell me they couldn't wait for fall, I always thought that was kind of weird. 

But now I get it!

Even if this time of year means crazy busyness for a gardener, I think we would probably all agree that it's the best time of year.  All our hard work over spring and summer is providing us with a bounty.  I enjoy this season the best.

But, also, there is just something about this time of year for me, now. 

I said to to my friends the other night; there is something in the air and I can't put my finger on it. The temperature was just right.  There was a breeze.  I don't know.  I felt myself come alive.  Which was funny, because I had a heck of a time falling asleep that night. 

This past long weekend was fantastic.  Got to spend time with my family. We ate great food and celebrated my hubby's birthday. 

The weather this weekend has been fantastic.  Really couldn't ask for better weather. 

A couple photos from the garden. 

I'll be sad when these guys are gone. 

I'll need to get my Christmas cacti in the house pretty soon. 

Fall stuff is about to start in earnest this week.  I know what is going to happen. I'm going to get myself psysched up for all this stuff that needs to get done. The weather is going to get really nice after I have everything all ready for winter, and then I'll need to redo it all again. Cause that is what happens.  Every year. Ha! I should really know better by now, right?