Monday, September 30, 2024

September, I hardly knew you

 I'm in awe that tomorrow is October 1. Seriously. 

The last couple of weeks have been a bit of a blur. 

Let's see if I can try to recall the highlights.  This blog will probably be photo heavy, and not of the important stuff. Doh. 

My hubby tagged out like 10 minutes in to bow opener weekend. We kicked it in to gear processing the deer and got it all ground into ground venison and sausage. 

Meanwhile ... I'm still going out and waiting for my dream buck to come cruising through.  

Well, any buck, really. I've been putting in hours but nothing is walking through.  The buck I have my eye on is not on a set schedule, and doing whatever he wants. 

There have been a ton of squirrels, crows, blue jays ... raccoons. 

The porcupine comes through at night and I even saw a skunk run through at 3 a.m., according to the game cam. Oh yeah, and the bear ... there's at least once bear cruising through.  

It's good knitting time, though.  I take advantage of it when I can. If it's too chilly I don't knit. 

The sock is looking pretty good, yeah? 

I had a neat experience over the weekend. A quail showed up and graced me with it's patience. 

The first day of fall was celebrated with a fire in the wood stove. First fire of the season.  There was a fire that night and the night after.  Then it's been warm enough that none were necessary.  

The garden is slowly getting ripped out and I'm preserving what I can: Tomatoes and peppers.  Everything else I'm pulling out I've been using right away, like green beans in soup. 

Today I was out there ripping up pepper plants and I had to stop and stare at the marigolds that took hold in their little spot of the garden and are thriving. Sorry, I don't have a photo.  I didn't have my phone with me while I was out there.  Can you believe that? 

I did get a video of some bumble bees earlier this week.

Spent some time in the greenhouse, cleaning it out a bit and kind of prepping it for late fall. 

Aren't those coleus gorgeous?  I bought a few succulents, to go with the succulent my husband rescued and brought home to me.

On the sunny days when I'm feeling chilled, until it starts staying cold, I can go sit out in the greenhouse and soak in the rays and the solar heat.  The plants, however, have only a short time before I must bring in the plants I want to keep. Last year the first really cool overnight temp was Oct. 9. Brrr. 

Here's some photos I took when I was out in the woods.  Enjoy! 

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