Friday, September 13, 2024

The woods are calling

 This past week has flown by.  There was a big push at work this week, too.  One of my coworkers is going on vacation and we are a small office, and we need to work ahead.  All is good though. 

In short, I was a busy girl this week.  Working hard at the work-for-pay, like always.  Cruising along with stuff at home, trying to get all the things taken care of. So I don't have to think about anything more than I have to this weekend. 

What's so special about this weekend? 

Yup, bow opener. I'm looking for redemption! Remember how last season ended?  I wrote about it back in January

This will be occupying my time, thoughts and attention for next several hours, days, weeks (?) until I get my harvest. 

Wish me luck! 

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