Monday, September 2, 2024

The 'ber months are here

If you had asked me 15 years ago what my favorite season is I'm sure I wouldn't have hesitated to say summer.  When I was a kid I LOVED summer.  School was done, my birthday is in the summer.  Did I mention school was done? 

As I got older and into gardening, I thought maybe spring was my favorite season.  Spring may bring seed starting time, but it also brings a ton of rain, mud, slush ... you get it. 

Now, I would say, without a doubt, Autumn is my favorite season. 

Well, for one, the mosquitos go back to the hell they came from. 

When people would tell me they couldn't wait for fall, I always thought that was kind of weird. 

But now I get it!

Even if this time of year means crazy busyness for a gardener, I think we would probably all agree that it's the best time of year.  All our hard work over spring and summer is providing us with a bounty.  I enjoy this season the best.

But, also, there is just something about this time of year for me, now. 

I said to to my friends the other night; there is something in the air and I can't put my finger on it. The temperature was just right.  There was a breeze.  I don't know.  I felt myself come alive.  Which was funny, because I had a heck of a time falling asleep that night. 

This past long weekend was fantastic.  Got to spend time with my family. We ate great food and celebrated my hubby's birthday. 

The weather this weekend has been fantastic.  Really couldn't ask for better weather. 

A couple photos from the garden. 

I'll be sad when these guys are gone. 

I'll need to get my Christmas cacti in the house pretty soon. 

Fall stuff is about to start in earnest this week.  I know what is going to happen. I'm going to get myself psysched up for all this stuff that needs to get done. The weather is going to get really nice after I have everything all ready for winter, and then I'll need to redo it all again. Cause that is what happens.  Every year. Ha! I should really know better by now, right? 

1 comment:

Becky G said...

I love Fall! I love everything about it -- the colors, the smells, the holidays, the all too brief break from the relentless summer heat...