Wednesday, August 28, 2024

I'm trying to be productive

 Well, yesterday it rained. So much for being productive this week.  I know, it's still early, but the rain put a cramp in my plans.  Tomorrow it's supposed to rain. Blerg!

Yesterday afternoon I had to drive one of our vehicles in to the mechanic. Expensive and necessary, unfortunately. 

I was able to pull out my passenger princess sock and do a bit of knitting while I waited. 

This morning, before punching in for work, I was outside picking up the yard and spent a wee bit of time out in the garden. 

The garden gate was ajar. Really odd since we can hook it closed.  I figured someone may have accidentally left it open.  No biggie, really.  Any other year, or earlier in the season I might not feel this way, but this time I wasn't too upset.  I discovered the hook just needed a bit of adjustment.

We had a visitor. 

The visitor knocked down a few tomatoes and nosed around in the onions and carrots, but nothing else looks touched, except for my green bean vines. 

I went around and picked a few things that were ready. 

Not a lot this go round.  A bunch of it is already eaten. 

Homegrown tomatoes and cucumbers ... Yum. Nothing compares. 

Back on Monday, after I posted my blog entry, I was working on my second porcupine cross stitch. 

I tried a few DMC color combinations and I wasn't happy with them. So I ripped one out and tried another. I decided I wasn't happy with that one either. I decided to put it away, after making a post over on social media and in the Lindy Stitches FB group. 

A friend suggested a color. At first I thought I would like it. 

Then I stitched up the wee face. 

No.  I felt this didn't work either. So rippity, rip, rip, I went. ... 

I thought about it for a moment and decided that the face really needed higher contrast from the body.  If that's the right word. It's getting late and I'm a wee bit tired. 

Oh, last night I also made up my quilted Christmas cross stitch in to little pillows.  I was mildly white knuckling it, especially the round one.  I've finished a few cross stitches in to pillows before. There is something about cutting into the fabric when you've spent so many hours stitching it up. 

I'll share the finished pieces on my next video.

Project Name: Quilted Christmas

Started: Late November 15, 2023
Finished: Aug. 22, 2024
Designer/Source: Emily Call
Fabric: Charles Craft 18 count Aida cloth
DMC in called for Colors: DMC Blanc, 168, 469, 3712, 3045, 816, 310


Becky G said...

We finally got a good rain Friday, and boy did we need it! I love homegrown tomatoes, too! Maybe next year, I'll plant some.

Amnicon Studio said...

I've been eating tomatoes with salt, and doing happy dances across the kitchen . You can grow tomatoes in 5 gallon buckets. :-)