Sunday, August 4, 2024

Lovely weekend

 It was a lovely weekend. I also got a big project (or two) taken care of!

Saturday I got to see a little yellow finch out in the garden area.  I didn't have my phone with me so I couldn't take a photo.  It flitted off pretty fast so I doubt I would have been able to take a photo. 

My son told me that Sunday evening he saw a "little black and yellow bird" using the birdbath out there. 

I'm so glad birds are using that bath. 

Back to Saturday ... while my guy was puttering in his tidy, well-organized garage, I was out picking the first flush of ripe cherries off the cherry tree that seems to not realize it's out of sync with the other cherry trees.

We were bums around the house for most of the rest of the day. One trip to town to get some car oil that was on sale. 

I know -- such excitement!

Saturday evening I started back to work on my floss master set project.  I was up past 10:30 working on it, but it is almost complete! 

I have the DMC card, but there is something a bit more tangible about comparing the colors in the actual floss. 

This is all the floss from the Temu set I have. I don't know how many colors. I was just grabbing skeins out of the bag and setting them on floss drops, so they aren't in any particular order. 

I organized them into color groups, for the first go-round.  Then used the DMC card to organize them in to 20 groups, according to the color card.  

It was easier and harder than you'd think. 

They are so lovely in their groups.  I have 40 colors I need to get and then I shall have a complete set. 

I did have one issue with a couple skeins of the temu floss.  Two skeins had the same color number. I managed to match the correct one. I have one skein that I can't confidently match up to anything else.  

The color it matches on the DMC card I already have a skein of. 

It's nice to have this project basically complete. 

Saturday evening we had a thunderstorm.  It was pretty mild.   I'm sure I have more branches to pick up out in the yard. 

Sunday wasn't quite a bum-around-the-house day, but it was a pretty easy and laid back day.  At least I thought so.  

This weekend we wrapped up the last bits of what needed to be done in the garage organization project. I think.  Then my hubby started on a different project and I think he may already be done with it. 

Me, I wrapped up the last bits of the most recent YouTube video I recorded.  It was a major pain to export, for some reason.  Then it didn't upload correctly. I think I worked on it for at least 10 hours, off and on.  Finally. Success! I'll be working on the more complete show notes soon. Not only are they show notes they are also my project notes so I try to have progress photos and all the pertinent information. 

It's over on my YouTube channel. 

One last bit: My hubby took these photos for me.  It's a hummingbird who was taking it easy during the rain. 

I really enjoy being able to see these birds just outside my window.  At one time there were five hummers buzzing around and chasing each other.  I haven't seen that many together at once in a long time. 

P.S. I found out what kind of spider this is.  I asked in a Wisconsin Naturalist group and had several people let me know it is a Lichen Orb Weaver. 

I went looking for it today. The web was gone.  Likely due to the rain and storm from yesterday. 

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