Friday, August 2, 2024

Wrapping up the week

 Right after I hit publish on my last blog post, like less than a minute after, the weather at my house changed.  It went from being dead still to the wind blowing who knows how fast. Like, really fast. Knocking tree branches down and I had concerns for the vents on the greenhouse. 

So I went out there and buttoned up the greenhouse.  It was doing fine, but I wasn't willing to risk it. 

When I was walking back to the house I heard a noise in the front of the house.  I thought it was this chair I have in the front yard, so I can sit like a princess when I'm out there with my guy. The chair was tipped.  A reasonable assumption. 

Until I turned around and saw carnage. 

Ugh ... The wind blew in a such a way that it knocked my gazing ball out of it's holder, which is right next to the house. 

You know how many gazing balls I have gone through over the years?  This is so annoying. 

I went in to the house and heard a noise from the back yard.  Concerned it might be the table umbrella lifting up, or something, I went out the back. 

This time it was something more "serious."

If the top of this birch had fallen in the other direction it would have landed on the deck and probably caused some serious damage. 

I knew what I was doing on Thursday. Fun times. It took me an hour-and-a-half to clean everything up.  In sticky, gross heat.  

Then I walked the yard, looking for fallen branches and picking them up. 

Look who I almost ran in to!

No idea what kind of spider.  

I'm going to figure it out by posting the photos in a Fac3book group for my state. 

The rest of the day and today have been quiet and I've been able to spend a wee bit of time out in the garden ... 

This is a volunteer holly hock from last year's plants. 

I'm surprised and pleased to see a volunteer sprout and bloom so soon. 

I am definitely feeling more confident about my flower growing skills. 

This is another volunteer from last year. Cosmos seeds from MI Gardener

When I was walking back to the gate I accidentally took a photo.  I thought it was a neat angle, so here it is.  

For those who are in to that sort of thing, I recorded a flosstube/crafting video.  I still need to edit and hope to load it by the end of the weekend. *Fingers crossed* 

This weekend I have *grand* plans of doing some garden work, cherry picking and helping my hubby with any garage-related projects he may have percolating. We'll see.  It depends on the weather, too.  

Oh! One more thing, before I forget. 


This may not seem like much.  It's the huge pack of embroidery floss I got from T*mu way back when. 

The goal is to turn it into a master color set. I don't know how many floss is there. The next step or two is to get the color groups going and then see what colors I don't have, and then either order them or get them from one of the big box stores. 


Becky G said...

OH, wow, that's a bummer about your gazing ball, and I'm so glad the tree didn't hit your house.

My Cosmos are almost done, because I got too far behind in deadheading them. Two have already completely died back, so I pulled them up and threw them into the compost. I wish I knew how people got those huge fields just full of them. I think they're so gorgeous.

Amnicon Studio said...

Thanks. Gazing balls are so ridiculously pricey that it just kills me to see one break.

A field of cosmos would be lovely. I'm learning that some volunteer flowers grow pretty quick. Why doesn't that work when I intentionally sprinkle seeds on the ground? I've tried for years, off and on, to get poppies going. Tried all the different suggestions and even sprinkled them on the snow. Nothing.