Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Vacation shenanigans

Last week the whole family was on vacation.  It was my son's first week off of school, too.  

Monday I still had to work, but the rest of the week was full of good times. 

Well, there was some work, but that stuff was mostly taken care of on Monday and Tuesday.  The previous weekend a mostly-dead tree was cut down. Wood was split and stacked.

The weather cooperated and we spent most of the days out on the water. 

This is my favorite photo of the week. Both my boys, out fishing together. My husband decided our son was ready for a newer kayak, and it could be one just like ours (sit on top style). 

My son was excited to get a new kayak.

There isn't a whole lot to say, other than it was a really nice week, and I'm so grateful the weather stayed nice. 

This was the sky over one of the new-to-us lakes.  It was so breathtakingly pretty. 

At this particular lake we ran into an old-timer who has been fishing there since he was my son's age.  So, a good long time.  He filled us in on what was in the lake and wished us good luck. 

We did hit a few of our old haunts, too. 

The water is so high on the lakes this year.  All the spots I'd usually hit up, aren't there, or I've lost my landmarks. 

My husband, however, found a good spot. 

One day, we went to a lake and it was super windy on the other side. The side where my son had a really good fishing excursion.  I paddled my way over there and was pretty nervous I was going to flip over. 

Naturally, the video doesn't do it justice. 

We did get some sunburn.  I've learned my lesson, after getting the fronts of my legs fried a few years ago.  When the season is just starting out, wear pants or lots of sun screen when going out in the kayaks. 

Yesterday was back to work. I was mentally exhausted by the time I was done with the day. I was going to write this all up last night, but ... just too tired.  So, instead I went out for a walk.  It was a nice evening for it, too. More pretty clouds. More importantly, I was able to clear our the mental fog. 

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