Monday, July 8, 2019

Recovery from the long weekend

I had a four-day weekend this past holiday weekend.  It was great. I can't even recall all of it.  Good food, good times with people I love, and the weather was great - for the most part.  We had some rain. 

A lot of time was spent fishing.  We tried a new spot and it was very good to us.

The village next door puts on a really nice fireworks show each year.  I was excited for this year's show because my husband was able to go watch them with us.  Unfortunately smoke from the fireworks hung in the air and obscured most of the show.  We gave up and went home. 

In short, I really enjoyed the long weekend. 

Tour de Fleece also started this weekend.  This year I'm giving it a serious go. I've got the better part of 24 ounces of foxglove carded corriedale dark brown with grey slyver fiber that I bought a while ago.  Longer than I care to admit.  It was purchased with the intent of spinning it up for a sweater.  

Yup, I just heaped this on the floor and took a picture. Some of this fiber has been spun up already. Some plied. I think.  I gave a bunch of the fiber to Loki and Shadow when they were building their nests, too. 

Day one of Tour de Fleece, I finished up a bobbin that was already three-fourths done. 

Day two I started a fresh bobbin and spun for ... at least 30 minutes. I wasn't keeping track. 

Day three, (tonight) I spun for 45 minutes or so. 

I wish I had more time to just sit and spin.

Speaking of not enough time ... last week I started watching the learn to dye classes on bluprint and I thought "I really need to try this again." Eight years ago, or so, I tried yarn dyeing, but there were a few things I didn't have the hang of, and there just weren't the resources there are now.  I've always wanted to dye yarn for myself. So ... this came in the mail Saturday. 

Bluprint was running a fifty percent off sale ... so I put an order in for a 10 pack of dyeable yarn.  I'm just a wee bit excited. I'm going to go through the classes and try each method.  I have some dyes still. Somewhere. 

And speaking of fun mail.  I got some more today. The royal *we* got some eBay bucks and my husband told me to buy myself some yarn.  So I did, along with a book that I've wanted for many years but didn't want to pay the crazy price some sellers were asking for. 

I got into spinning after this book was printed and sold out.  I had contacted the author and asked if there would be any more runs.  She was nice enough to write back to me and say it was all up to the publisher, but as far as she knew there would be no more runs. I've waited a long time for this book. 

The yarn I ordered was some Paton's kroy sock yarn, a skein of cascade 220 and a skein of cascade handpainted. 

I am a happy girl. 

I spotted this little gem on Facebook tonight.  Waving my geek flag.  Just a bit. 


chrisknits said...

Oh my!! All that yarn and fiber goodness! Glad you posted your blog, I had gotten away from a lot of them in recent years.

Amnicon Studio said...

Hi! Thanks :-) I know a lot of people have stopped writing, as social media became more of a thing. I've kept going, all these years :-) Some years more chatty than others.