Sunday, February 9, 2020

Grey Sunday morning

The end of the weekend, or the start of the new week?  I've never been sure which end of the week Sunday falls on. 

When I finally dragged myself out of bed this morning it was grey and not very inviting-looking outside. Earlier this week there was glorious sunshine. 

What *is* that bright orb in the sky?

Otherwise, I don't think there was anything very exciting going on. 

I've officially started daydreaming about spring and gardening. I've been watching a few videos on Youtube and gardening classes on Bluprint. If you can believe it, I'm still learning things.  There also has been a few things that I'm surprised I haven't thought of already, like using an upside down clear tote as a cold frame. 

This is what the garden looks like now.  Feet and feet of snow.  We left the door open so we could easily go in and dump wood ashes, bunny litter and anything else that we wanted to go into the garden soil next year.  Apparently deer like something we've been throwing in.  There are deer tracks in and around the garden and you can see all where the deer have been rooting around. 

Other things going on around the homestead: Not much.  The snow is still too deep to do anything.  It is also a bit more solid now, thanks to the warm temps last weekend. 

My husband is doing some car maintenance on his vehicle.  His car is getting older and things are starting to wear out.  We got a quote for a couple things and he decided to try replacing the items himself.  Yesterday he and our son replaced the back shocks and it went very well.  This morning he's out in the garage working on the front struts. When all is said and done, it will be like driving a new car, and he will have saved us a load of money. 

Last week I recorded a podcast episode. It will go up sometime next week.  I lost a couple files that I usually include in the video. They will need to be recreated before I can pull everything together and load up to Youtube

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