Tuesday, January 25, 2022

The new She Shed

 Some time during the summer my husband asked me a couple questions about "What if ..." we converted the big chicken coop into a she shed for me.  I thought about it for a bit, and said a few comments and he said it was something to think about. 

Fast forward to late October or early November and it was decided to move the hens and roo over to the little coop and convert the big chicken coop into a she shed and storage space for us. 

This is very exciting stuff, if you ask me. Despite having a craft room in the house, it is shared space with the incubator, brooder room, office, miscellaneous storage and spare room when company calls. I have a LOT of stuff stored in that room.

We've been working on making the coop pretty since November. We took out the old flooring and painted the walls.  My husband did a fantastic job of cleaning up the windows and making them look like new. 

On Black Friday we ordered some shelving from Amazon and I set them up and we started hauling stuff out of the house and garage. 

This is when I realized just how much stuff I had stored in the craft room closet. 

I've been spending time out there, putzing with things, setting things up and doing work for pay. 

Unfortunately, my idea of using a Mr. Heater to heat the space wasn't really working out.  It was taking forever to warm the space up, and it was never really warm or toasty feeling. 

My husband said "Let's keep our eyes open for a wood stove."  I said "Okay, cause this isn't working like I thought it would." 

In a couple weeks, I think, he happened to be looking on craigslist and spotted something.  He showed it to me and I said "Yup." and knew in an instant that was going to be our wood stove.  I could picture it out there and me sitting in a chair in front of it, being all cozy and hygge. 

This past weekend my husband put up the heat shield and figured out all the stuff so that when we have a "nice day" he can finishing the outside pipe and I will have a nice warm cozy heat in my very own space. 

Isn't this a great looking wood stove? We got it for a song! 

At some point soon I will be painting the grey bit, so that it will be a bit prettier. We found a tile to put in front, for a hearth.

Here's some updated photos of the space.  Things are still a bit of a mess. 

This is my desk area and where I have most of the yarn stashed.

I reckon you could call this my weaving area. (?) In any case, I'm happy to have a dedicated spot for my loom.   

To the left is a sewing machine tucked in the table. I have grand plans of sewing a scrappy quilt on that machine. We'll see.  I'm full of ideas!

Garden, fabrics and other miscellaneous stuff is stuffed on this shelf.  You can see I'm really good at tetrising stuff. 

In other news, life is quiet. 

Except for when this girl decides to be vocal. 

I'm back on my work schedule.  I was busy trying to work on pages. 

Today she decided she had to be whiney.  Really whiney. 

She had plenty of food and water. Something was making her extremely unhappy.

She refuses to stand still when I try to take a photo or video of her. 

She regrets nothing ... She's so spoiled. 

She is finally settled down and quiet.  It's a hard life she has. 

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