Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Bird watching and a quilt update

 The last several weeks I've been feeding the birds. 

It started out with chicadees, some finches and nuthatches. 

It's now blue jays, squirrels and one lone starling. 

I watched this starling integrate itself into the group of blue jays that comes to my feeder each day.  It was off on it's own and slowly moving towards the group.  The next time I saw it, it was sitting in the middle of the bird seed pile, surrounded by all the blue jays. It's made itself at home. 

The birds and the squirrels show up every morning and tussel around, taking turns at the suet cakes and the plate I put the bird seed in. 

I don't know what this guy was waiting for. 

I do like watching these guys flit around.  

I've been paying extra attention to my quilt project the last couple of weeks, right? 

Last night I finished the quilting. 

I decided to save the binding for tonite. 

Then I started sewing the binding on ... 

And discovered I don't have enough binding. 


I have no idea how I messed up this royally.  

The binding fabric was purchased at walmart.  I think they still have some at the store. 

*sigh*  I was *so* close! 

My goal is to get this wrapped up by the end of the weekend. If walmart doesn't have the fabric, I will have to rip what I sewed on, and use a different fabric. 


Becky G said...

OH no! I hope Walmart has what you need to finish your quilt. It looks great, by the way.

Amnicon Studio said...

Thank you.

Walmart didn't have my fabric, so I had to come up with a substitute. I'll update in my next blog post.