Monday, January 1, 2024

Quiet first day of the new year

 I went to bed about 10:40 last night.  Not even late enough to watch the ball drop in Times Square.  I thought about staying up until at least 11 p.m. Then decided that it would probably wreck me for today if I stayed up late. 

So I went to bed and woke up today about my usual time. 

Quiet day.  Didn't have the television on for most of the day. I knit a bit, off and on throughout the day. 

I learned something interesting about my knitting.  While working on my Harvest Cardigan I decided to time how long it took me to knit a row, and then purl a row. 

My knit row was 9:02.16. 

Wanna guess how long it took me to knit my purl row? 09:03.00

Yup. I was just as surprised as you. 

I played my newest "obsession." Though I don't know if I can call Animal Crossing an obsession. A few of my friends started playing and we are having fun telling each other how far along we are and such. 

I also did some puttering around the house, catching up on housework and putting away almost all the Christmas stuff away.  I let my Mother-in-Law's angels up.  I'm not ready to put them away just yet. 

My hubby and I spent a bit of time out in the back twenty. The weather was decent today.  Not warm, but not cold.  Like, it was cold enough outside that you could do physical work and not be uncomfortable.

It was decided to run the tractor and see how things were working.  Just making sure the implements were ready to go when/if we get enough snow that will need to be pushed around by big machinery. 

Everything works as it should and the tractor seemed ready to tackle some "serious" work. 

We ate chicken wings for a late lunch. What a treat!

The afternoon was spent chilling, basically.  Watching tv, puttering on the Internet. 

We need more days like this.  Especially now that I can officially start thinking/planning/doing seed starting stuff. I'll be setting my indoor greenhouse up for seed starting. 

I think I'll be going back to a non-every day writing schedule.  Several days a week.  I'll aim for Monday, Wednesday, Friday and maybe a day on Sunday.  As the spirit moves me. 


Becky G said...

Happy New Year!

I saved some apple and bell pepper seeds to try to see if I could get them to grow. I don't know why. I don't like either. Well, the apples will be for the wild critters, but I don't have much hope that they'll grow. I'm terrible at getting things to grow from seed.

Amnicon Studio said...

I saved pepper seeds one year. They didn't do as well I'd hoped they would.

After years and years of trying to figure this whole seed starting thing out, I finally got it! Seed starting is a tricky thing. It wants to grow, you just need to provide the right conditions. But it's not hard. Yet people struggle so. It's weird. But once you get it, you got it.