Friday, February 10, 2023

I'm still here, I swear!

 Hello!  I'm still here and kicking! 

The latter part of January I was trying to use up vacation time, and a lack of structure got me all out of sorts and discombobulated. 

In addition to that, the weather has been a bit manic. We've had some cold days. More recently the weather has been really nice and sunny.  The other day had a high in the 40s.  One of the local weather people said it's almost unheard of to have weather this warm in February. 

When I was driving that day I came upon a large puddle on one of the county roads. I was so surprised to see it that I had to take a photo. 

I even dragged Miss Furby June outside to enjoy the sun.  She wasn't too happy. 

She's been quieter lately.  I can't tell if she's pouting because I haven't had Kimberly on Youtube as much, or if she's settling into maturity.  She'll be three in a few months.  I don't recall her hatch month.  A regular chicken this would be considered middle age, I suppose.  She's been spoiled and pampered since the predator attack, so who knows how long she'll go.  I recently saw on Instagram about a rooster who was 13 years old.  I know chickens can live up to 18 years of age. This is quite impressive to me. 

There have also been a few milestones in the household.  This week I celebrated 20 years at my work place. My coworkers surprised me with a beautiful bouquet.

 I was wondering why the UPS man was at my door. What a happy surprise. 

The other big milestone was my son's birthday. He made it!  More importantly, *I* made it.  Now we are on the homestretch to gradution. Yes, I'm already be looking forward to May. 

I'm looking forward to May for more than one reason, however.  

This warmish weather has kicked my spring fever in to gear and I've been daydreaming about beautiful spring days, warm summer mornings and seed starting! 

There has been a lot of seed starting and homesteading-type videos back on the youtube.  Furby doesn't know what what to make of it.  Which is why I think she's partly pouting lately, instead of squawking her fool head off. 

I've been working a bit on all my works-in-progress and I've been setting up for a few quilting projects. I haven't got far on those.  I ran out of starch.  I have learned I like a little stiffness to the fabric. 

This morning I bit the bullet and ordered a quarter-inch foot off of Amazon. I hope it fits my Memorycraft 6650.  If not, I'll just return it.

This is the jist of what's been going on in my neck of the woods. 

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