Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Taking my finger off the pause button

 Today I was half-listening to Chris XrossStitch while I was diligently working my day job.  He is a flosstuber who announced last year that he was taking a break due to a cross country move. He posted his first video after his move back on Aug. 7. He said something about the necessity to check out for a while and hitting pause

Yup, that was me. Without realizing it, I hit the pause button on blogging and most social media things. Sorry. 

Thank you so much to those who reached out to me about Furby.  It means a lot to me that you did. 

I still miss my girl. The house is so much quieter without her and her tv habits.  In fact, I have the tv off a lot now during the daytime. I'm listening to more music, and even started listening to an audio book, at my husbands urging. 

Since July I haven't watched a Fat Quarter Shop video on purpose.  Youtube keeps auto-playing over to those channels.  I unsubbed from both their quilt channel and their flosstube channel.  Youtube doesn't care, and keeps starting those videos when I'm not actively paying attention. So, the Youtube viewing in general has gone down, too. I sometimes wonder if Fat Quarter Shop has noticed a drop in views since Furby's passing. 

Then, when I wasn't looking, Autumn hit my neck of the woods.  One day I looked up and the trees were changing. September went by in a blur.  October seems to be doing the same.  July and August each had a more sedate pace. 

I've been in my own little world the last few months. There have been some changes in the household (obviously). I've got some things I have to be more mindful of, health-wise, and I'm missing my constant little feathered companion.  My husband will probably read this and go "What about me?"  Yes, he is my companion and the love of my life.  He just wasn't with me 24/7 like Furby June was. 

Needless to say, I perk up when it gets close to that time of the day when he's supposed to be home.  How many others can say that after 25-some years?  Eh? But I digress. 

The changing of the season and listening to Chris' comments this morning was the nudge I needed to put virtual pen to paper. 

Apparently I needed a preamble to say "Yes, I'm still here!" 

I have some blog reading to catch up on.  I'm practically non-existent on the Instagram and post sporadically on the book of faces. I've been doing a tiny bit of knitting and crocheting when I'm sitting out in the hunting blind. 

Various projects have been started, paused and completed since I last wrote on blog post.  This all will have to be stretched out a bit so I'm not overwhelmed by a long post. 

In the meantime, I'll share a few photos with you that I took of the changing colors the last few weeks. 



Becky G said...

I miss Furby, too, and I've missed your blog posts. It's good to see you back.

Angelfire212 said...

Furby was a joy, even just in blog form! I am sorry she's gone, but I am glad you are back. We all need breaks from time to time. The pictures are lovely! Fall is a gorgeous time of year, and maybe it will help you heal. Grief takes time, but glad to know you are on the mend.