Wednesday, December 9, 2020

But what do I *write*?


Hello, it's me. 

It's been a while ... close to five months since I've last written on here. 

Blogger is different.  It's all new and scary.  

Geez, three lines in and I'm already rambling. So ... yeah.  I'm back.  And so shy about what to write. I feel like it should be something BIG and IMPORTANT. But what? 

Please forgive me. I'm out of shape. Out of shape? No. Out of practice.  Though I suppose the first one is correct.  Thanks to "safer at home" or whatever we are supposed to call it, I suppose I am out of shape a bit. 

Last week I told myself: "Self, it's time." I started mentally writing this first entry after such a long break.  Why is the first entry after a hiatus so hard? 

I've been busy. And not busy. Despite my efforts, life has had a way of zooming by. Before I knew it, December arrived. 

What has happened the last several months? 

I gardened.

I canned fresh produce. 

I made TONS of salsa.

I made apple butter from "stolen" apples. 

I put the garden to bed. 

I watched the seasons transition from one to another.

I watched my chicken flock grow and thrive.  

I watched baby buns be born and grow.

I yelled (more than I will ever admit), I cried (the ugly kind), I smiled and laughed.

I pondered A LOT. About life, crafting, gardening, family and who you choose to be your family.

I also drank coffee.  I drank so much coffee that I decided maybe I should break down and put a tea order in and get my tea mind on. Though I really should just be drinking water. Water is boring. Except when it tastes SO good, because you just hauled 50 bags of chicken feed and are *so* thirsty.

Lots of things happened, more than I can list, but I like the list I put above. 

I'm still working from home.  I go in to the office every so often, to collect mail and see people. I don't know when working regularly in the office will be a thing.   

My son is doing the distance-learning thing.  So I'm never alone. Ever. He's living his best life.

I'm dabbling in a bunch of my hobbies. The quilting bug has bitten me pretty hard.  More on that in a later entry. Cross stitching has captured a bit of my soul. 

I've been so out of sorts the last month or so.  What was causing it? Ahh, maybe it's the fact that I'm not writing and reaching out to my fellow knitsibs, friends and the other lovely crafters I've met through Instagram. I haven't been doing a whole lot of social media. It's been a downer lately, specially when the Instagram makes the hashtags not work, and Facebook is doing whatever it is to the algorithm, so things don't show up until three days later.  

Basically, I'm a girl who wants to share about her projects again.  Along with a little bit of my life. Maybe this means I'm coming out of mourning my MIL's passing. Yeah. ... I think I'm ready to rejoin the world that never stopped, despite all that 2020 has thrown at it. 

It feels good to put words to virtual paper. 


Becky G said...

Welcome back. Glad to have you here again. I've missed you .

Amnicon Studio said...

Thank you! <3. So hard getting that first post out there.