Monday, December 21, 2020

Waking up to a winter wonderland

 Last night I stayed up late because I was working on a quilt top.  This morning I was lazy and slept in a little bit.  

I went out to the kitchen to make myself some coffee and looked out the window.  We got snow! 

Totally not expected.  I actually got a little bit excited about it. We will have a white Christmas.

After breakfast I searched and found my digital camera. I wanted to get "good" photos of the outside. 

It's been ages since I've used a camera that wasn't my phone. 

After admiring the snow, which was about three inches and just enough that snow moving had to happen, my husband and I got to working on splitting and hauling wood. 

With only two people working on this project, it took us longer than expected. 

We also started a third holz hausen. I took a shot of the holz hausen from above, rather than the side.  It's 10 feet across.

We found something interesting in one of the wood pieces. The split revealed a really interesting color inside the wood.  Then one of us spotted the nail that was embedded in the center of the wood. 

We found two or three screws in the wood. What is the history, I wondered. A deer stand?  Someone who wanted to protect the tree? Now I know what can happen when you put a screw into a tree and just leave it there. 

We are slowly whittling that pile down. 

I am a tired girl and I know I'll be sleeping well tonite! 

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