Monday, January 9, 2023


 Last week I took time off work.

The week started out great.  I took two naps on Monday.  One nap on Tuesday. Then on Wednesday ... 

It snowed! And the weather wasn't great and the roads were crummy. No travel was advised.  Which was a bummer.  I was all set to do a meet up with someone and I was really looking forward to it. 

It was also the day my son's car went into the ditch for the first time since he started driving. 

It was not fun getting that particular phone call.  He assured me he was all right and there was no damage to the car. 

By the time I got to him a lady and her son has stopped and was helping him out, and keeping him company until I showed up.  

The ditch was deep! There was no way the car was coming out without some muscle. 

Thank goodness for friends with trucks!  

We have a truck, but it is under a carport and behind several feet of snow.  It would have probably taken longer to snow blow and get it out than it would have been to have our friend come out and hook up and drag the Prius out. 

My son was very thankful. He now knows how quick something can happen in the winter. Even if you do have good tires.

Thursday I spent a ridiculous amount of time snow blowing the driveway and the paths all around the house and property. 

My poor little greenhouse.  I'd say this is definitely a testament to how well these greenhouses can hold up. I'm not sure how many more years I have with it, but it has done right by me so far. 

I have to keep a path out there so I can brush the snow off the roof. 

Looking at the path from the greenhouse.  This one was a trip to blow.  There were knocked down branches everywhere. It made for a slow time. 

The raspberry patch and the garden.  The snow is getting close to the top of the fence. 

Where my son hit the snow bank on the side of the driveway. I watched it happen.  Still don't understand *why* it happened.  I had to snow blow that bit because it was making me twitch to see the imperfection in the snow. 

Yup, I snow-blowed all of that. Told you, I way overdid it. 

The backyard. 

The coop.  I did paths on both sides. 

Just looking off to the side of the property, because the sun came out and it was so pretty. 

My only regret was not being able to clear the solar panels.  The snow behind me prevented me moving the brush in an efficient manner.  Also, I was tired. 

By the time I decided I was D-O-N-E, I was exhausted. 

I'm not big on the selfies, but I felt the need to record this moment. 

Can you tell I was tired.  Just thinking about how tired I was then is making me feel tired now. 

I can't remember what night it was that I took this photo.  I looked out at the backyard and the yard was lit up from the full moon and it was so cool-looking.  I took a photo with my iphone. 

To me it still doesn't seem real.  No way should the moon be that bright at night. It was. You can even see blue in the sky. 

This weekend I tried to take it easy.  My hands were bothering me from snow blowing.  I tend to grab the handles tight, and then the whole thing vibrates and it just trashes my hands. 

The weather this past weekend was gorgeous. Lots of sun.  The temperatures weren't too shabby. I was going around and snapping photos. 

The driveway, towards the road.

The trees in the front yard

Looking towards the Jack pines and my she shed. 

The trees in the front yard, again. 

Showing off the nice work I did on the driveway. 

Looking towards the garden

Looking at the back 20. 

Looking towards the neighbor's house. 

Towards the garden and the greenhouse, if you look real hard. 

Today it was back to work and reality. 

Returning to work has not been as harried as I worried it would be.  I do have a tech issue with the software I use the most.  Most of the day has been dedicated to that. 

When I went to the kitchen to get more coffee I spotted turkeys using one of our paths and heading towards the back 20. That was exciting. I don't see turkeys a lot on the property, much less the back yard. 

My Furby June has been extra whiny today.  She must have sensed something amiss?  I tried having something other than The Fat Quarter Shop on YouTube this morning, and she's been verbal up until 4 p.m.., or thereabouts.


1 comment:

Beverly said...

I also dislike snowblowing ����‼️