Friday, June 27, 2008

Happy 100th!

Happy 100th post. O mine gorsh, has it really been 100 posts?

Considering I started this blog lil more than a year ago with absolutely no direction and idea as to what I was gonna put on here, I'm amazed that I hit 100 so soon.

It must be that I am beginning to get so comfortable with blogging. Or maybe it's because I found the knitting community and love the idea of sharing my projects and ideas. I have no idea who reads or if anyone reads it outside of my mom's group. LOL not even sure if anyone from there reads it on a regular basis.

Wow, 100, pretty neat. That means I'm blogging more than once a week. I thought that it would be especially hard to do even *that* much.

My little stamp on the internets.

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