Friday, August 8, 2014

Mellow Friday

Fairly quiet day at work.  I was able to leave early and visit with my MIL for a bit before picking my son up from daycamp.

When I got into the Y I found out that the camp bus broke down and everyone was still out at the camp. Off I went to pick up my son. At the camp I was was thanked for being calm about the situation. I guess not all parents were as understanding as I was.

Tonite some more work was done on the chicken shack.  Once again the turkeys came over to check out the work. 

 "Yup, you are doing good work here."

 The framing for the floor is all done.

 Daily 5 things of the day that made me happy

1. How fresh the air smelled tonite.

2. Blackberries are ready for picking.

3. Going for an ATV ride with my sweetie.

4. Visiting with my MIL today. 

5. How all the birds come running when they have treats.

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