Monday, June 15, 2020

Back to the grind

First day back to work from time off is always rough.  Being able to work at home lessens the pain slightly. 

Almost 100 emails.  Only three voicemails, thankfully. 

I won't bore you with the details.  

However, I will share a photo of my adorable assistant. 

My son brought Feffer in for a visit.  Feffer can be such a gentleman when he is in the house.  He jumps up on the couch and usually flops for a bit. 

He spent some time on my lap and helped me with my typing. 

Last night we had a batch of chicks hatch out. Some have already gone off to their new home.  The person who came to pick them up turned out to be someone I knew from years back. Our kids went to daycare together.  It was fun chatting for a few moments.  We both couldn't believe our kids are as old as they are.  

My husband was holding one of the chicks and the little darling fell asleep in his hand.  It was adorable.


Last night, after tucking the big girls in, my son told me that our roo was up on a roost for the night.  That sounds very promising! 

Today when I went out to the coop, roo was walking around, almost upright and making little sounds.  So I made little "buck, buck, buck" sounds at him and he would respond.

We are still taking it day by day with him. 

Shadow and Feffer aren't too thrilled to have a guest in their love nest.  Especially a guest who brought his girlfriend. Yup, K2 is still over with them.  Tomorrow I'll let them out and Shadow and Feffer can have their love nest back. 

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