Friday, June 5, 2020

Doing something nice for the big girls

This morning my husband and I got up and drove to the big box hardware store.  It was pretty early in the morning, since the store opens and 6 a.m., and he wanted to get a project taken care of ASAP, and I had to be back for work. 

What was this project, you might be asking. 

He came up with an idea for fencing the side yard of the big coop so the big girls could go outside and we wouldn't have to worry as much about predators, or worry about the chickens scratching up the grass my son has worked so hard to grow. 

My husband set it up so they can still walk out the front door and over to the side of the building and have plenty of room to run around, take dust baths, and snooze the afternoon away, if they want. 

After spending so much time in the coop, they seemed thrilled to be able to go outside and try their hardest to make a mess. 

This also means we kicked Shadow and Feffer out of the coop, and into the open air coop.  But I forgot to take a photo of the them. Maybe tomorrow. 

We hit a local lake this afternoon.  I didn't do so hot for fishing. The wind was super strong and I was having all sorts of issues. 

A few years back my husband bought me a turtle statue for the front yard.  I love turtles. 

It started looking a bit weathered last year. Today my son repainted it for me. It turned out really nice. 

That little face makes me smile. 

He knows he looks adorable. Ha!

This evening I was working on my cross stitch project.  I was so thrilled to be starting the border on this piece. So close to being done. 


As I was doing the inside border I discovered that the lower part of the piece was too far over to the left, by one stitch.  I had to rip out the three hearts and the L in love. 


I was *so* close to being done. 

I ended up making the frosting for the bundt cake.  My son, while cleaning fish, cut his hand.  He's okay, thank goodness.  But he won't be cooking or making anything for a while. Frosting came out really soft this time around. 

You see that dip in the back? 

My sweet little treasure told me he "accidently" had a piece out of the cake last night. 

Nothing a little extra frosting won't fix. 

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